Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Bucket List

So, I know this author. Well, I fake know her cuz there's been some blog commenting back and forth. Anyway, she wrote a book and I want to win a copy of it. Cuz it looks good. And I just read three books in two days and am out of new books to read and want another one. And also, I think she was being facetious when she said she was "giving" us an idea for a blog post---but really, I needed it. I was starting to think I'd have no posts at all in March. I do hate March, so it makes sense. Still, the blog was lonely. But anyway, anyone can enter the giveaway by writing their own Bucket List and linking back to her blog. I mean, I'd rather you didn't enter cuz then my winning chances go way down...but if you want to be selfish like that, go ahead.

Bucket List---in no particular order
1. Fly first class. I don't care where---I just wanna fly first class.
2. Pet a real-life penguin.
3. Hang-glide.
4. Change my last name.
5. Learn this song on the guitar.
6. Learn to play the organ.
7. Go on a Mediterranean Cruise.
8. Put up curtains in my house.
9. Bungee jump. Again.
10. Win a book in a blog giveaway.

What's your bucket list?


sara said...

I flew first class once, but it was by default since the flight was overbooked. They had way good food up there.
#4 is overrated. Especially now that you own a home, just think about chaning your name on your mortgage, your homeowners insurance, gas, water, electric, your library card... the list goes on and on.
#7 is defiantely on my bucket list. I don't want to do any other kind of cruise, but I would love that one.
I actually won a book once on a blog giveaway and it was horrible!!!! (I'm pretty sure the author doesn't read this blog) I couldn't make it past the 10th page. It was about some futurist school and kids with superpowers. Horribly written - She must have forked out a pretty penny to get someone to publish that.

Kristina P. said...

Change your last name by marriage or just change it? I think you could change it to something awesome!

Smart Helm said...

I like ur #10 but I'm with sara, the one time I got a book from a blogger I saw online it so poorly written and silly I gave it away... I'm nice like that.

Ur bucket list is very doable. Mine would be way too much out there to share.

BTW, why don't u like March?

TisforTonya said...

haha - #10 made me smile :)

good luck - I won't enter (because I'm giving like that) (and lazy) (but mostly giving) - but now I really want to read the book...

wendy said...

good list Barb. I don't think I've really put together a bucket list.
and I won't enter the contest cause I want you to achieve as many of those on your list as possible.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Well, I did get to cross off #45- Pose for a picture with Spongebob- last week, so my list is emptying.
However, Elton John asking me to be his sons godmother is still there. It could happen. For sure.

Kristen and Alex said...

You are too funny! Trust don't want to learn how to play the organ because then you are screwed for life. I'm not even that good at the piano and I have been called to be the ward organist 3 different times. How have you never had this calling when you are such a gifted pianist? I am currently the ward organist and it sucks. Want to trade callings?

Sara Waldron said...

I must say I'm impressed you want to learn to play the organ. I know I should learn sometime but really have no desire yet. Also, my bucket list would include taking an adult ballet class. :)

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Good luck with the contest. And good luck with your list.

AJ said...

My Bucket List:

1. Fly Coach Class. I don't care where - it's less expensive.
2. Catch a real-life penguin.
3. Fly a plane during a mid-air crisis and then be the guy that gets to land it.
4. Change my First Name.
5. Learn "Free Bird" on the guitar.
6. Learn to play the church organ. Single handedly drive out the sinners.
7. Go on an Alaskan Cruise.
8. Put up curtains in my house. Lol. Really, I need them.
9. Stage Dive.
10. Write a book for a blog giveaway.

melissabastow said...

I want to pet a penguin with you!!! So whenever you go do that - you better invite me.

And as a side note, I just read Melanie's book a couple days ago and it was FANT-A-BU-LOUS!

Melanie Jacobson said...

Yeah, I know. I want in on the penguin petting, too. But you knew that.

rocslinger said...

I've pet a dolfin is that close?

#1 on my bucket list is to fly in Steve Fawcets plane into outer space.

Lana // Blog Author said...

"Do you think the zoo is still open becuase I GOTTA SEE SOME PENGUINS, LIKE RIGHT NOW."

Name that show. :)

And who said it.

Melissa said...

Put up curtains in your house--LOL. I once lived in a house that didn't have curtain in the entire place!

I tried the bucket list thing on my blog too. I only got to 2 because I realized those 2 things would take me the rest of my life!

TisforTonya said...

just FYI - I couldn't wait so I read this last weekend - SO much fun!!!! I need to write up a review soon

Heather Dayton said...

Your hilarious Barb. And although I support you changing your last name for marriage I do think that there is NOT a better last name to have. :) Can you please take me with you on your Mediterranean Cruise?? :P

Boy Mom said...

You are so funny and cute. Off to check out the book probably won't get around to entering just cuz I'm so unselfish and stuff ;)

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Okay, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8---gotta do aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of those too!!! You make me itchin' to get off my couch now. :)

Alyson | New England Living said...

I'm going to be totally selfless and not enter and give you a better chance to win! Aren't I awesome?

I hate March too. Ugliest time of the year, but at least it gets us a mindset of looking forward to summer.

Do you have a particular last name you want to change your's to? I hate my last name, but I think I would be disowned by my in-laws if I changed it....actually, that might not be such a bad thing. ;)

Beeswax said...

I don't really have a bucket list, just some places I'd like to see and a sort of vague idea I'd like to leave something that people will remember me by. And not in an infamous sort of way. Like maybe the Great American Novel or the world record for eating the most Krispy Kremes.

Connie said...

My bucket list is short because I'm older than you and don't have as much time to accomplish it!
I petted a stingray that was lying in an aquarium. It wasn't on my list but now I can say that I've accomplished that!

Karen Mello Burton said...

LOL the petting a penguin one was funny!

nevadanista said...

Thanks for the blog visit girl :)

I'm wondering what the month of March ever did to you to make you hate it? Probably tease you with Spring and then snow.

I would like to body surf all day on a deserted tropical beach.

Cranberryfries said...

It just so happens I am currently trying to finish up my bucket list. It was fun to read yours. Instead of a penguin though I'd like to pet a dolphin. Hm I dont know if I could make that happen in a year. What book were you trying to win?/

Randi said...

I love your list!!
It has never occurred to me that I'd like to pet a penguin until this very minute.