Saturday, June 27, 2009

I Think I Broke My Kidney

Okay, so that might not be the best thing to say considering my family sometimes has this kidney disease that requires transplants...but seriously, it is the best description of how I feel. I walk like I have scoliosis and I do the pregnant-lady stand. You know, where you put your hand on your back and sort of roll-up out of your chair? Basically, I look awesome.

I went on a super-fast trip to AZ this week for my former roommates' wedding. And while there I managed to have two friends that were awesome enough to take me boating with them. We wake-boarded and as it turns out I'm not very good. Weird---cuz the last time I went was six years ago and I assumed I'd just be amazing. At this point my soreness rivals the worst P90X workout I've yet to do. Whatever. It was fully worth it. See my very white skin in that picture? Yeah, it's mostly hot pink at this point in my life. Awesome.


Camille said...

I am super terrified to be pulled behind a boat on anything, so I'm super proud of you for trying something that death-defying (in my world).

JD said...

I got clubbed in the kidney once at scout camp with a mag-lite. It wasn't broken, but it hurt for a while.

Erin said...

I turn as red as a lobster after only 10 minutes in the sun.

Sorry about the soreness. I hear it's worse the second day. I wouldn't know - I don't exercise.

Kristina P. said...

So, my husband does that P90X workout. And I mock him.

Weird---cuz I'm a really sweet, loving person who would never mock anyone.


charrette said...

Ouch. Not fond of water sports. And my skin would make yours look super tan. Sorry about the sunburn. I had one so bad once I thought it was going to burst my skin whenever I stood up and put weight on my legs. I actually had to take a day off work.

Also, I think you look like a pro in that picture. Serious.

Smart Helm said...

Can totally relate to the hot pink comment. I know I'm going to have skin cancer sometime in the future. This is what comes of having a redhead mother. U get the redhead skin.

I think u look AWESOME. I don't believe in wakeboards. It's against my made-up religion.

LaurieJ said...

The first-and last- time I waterskiied I sat back and recieved the worst- and only enima I have ever had!
You look great in the picture :-)
Take lots of vitamin I and slather yourself in Aloe Vera.

April said...

At least you got least I think you did...I'm blinded by the whiteness. lol!

Carol said...

I'm sorry to laugh at your expense but I am anyway!!

Feel better soon.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

OK I am so laughing at Laurie's enima comment. Heelarious.

I hate sunburns, they totally burn.

Hope you feel well soonish.

janica said...

You crack me up, I LOVE your posts. and come on, you making fun of the pregnant lady stance? Im about to that point! haha

wendy said...

How fun for you to get away and have some FUN!! you look like quite the athlete. Hey -- they last time I went water skiin, my uncle was driving the boat and decided to get crazy --and went fast and I totally wiped out. I HURT and seriously grabbed my butt as he pulled me into the boat as I thought I just ripped me a new A-hole. sorry, but soooo true. that was my LAST water skiing trip. sorry I haven't been up on the blogs lately, things have been hectic, but I will try and do better

Karen Mello Burton said...

That's you? I thought it was a white cap wave! JK I am impressed that you got up. I leave the water skiing to my husband, who is quite good.

Glad you had fun!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Hey now, you do look awesome! I personally do not have the upper body strength to even get up, so you are HAWT!

Hoggards said...

Awesome! :) For the record and to make you feel better - I've never been able to get up on a wake board. Lame, I know. And I was bummed I didn't get to see you this weekend. Were you able to make it over to Janells at all? Hope you're doing good!

rychelle said...

you said it - your weekend sounds AWESOME! (aside from the kidney thing and the sunburn, of course)

sara said...

That's an awesome picture! Too bad you broke your kidney to get the shot. Next time I'd just photoshop your face on someone else doing it. It'll save you doctor bills.

Chrissy said...

Barb, sorry to hear about the kidney injury! Functioning kidneys are indeed rare in our family, and you better be careful! :) It sounds like you had a great time though. Good for you.

Chrissy said...

I forgot to say - Kevin just got P90X and is pretty much loving it! How long have you done it?

lex and josh said...

Can I just say You have the most awesome blog EVER?! It's hilarious! You are hilarious! I love it! I don't know why I haven't stumbled (?) onto your blog before?! Nice job wakeboarding....and hey!..P90X rocks...and sucks at the same time huh!
Just remember...."Do your best and forget the rest!!"

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Oh, I'm super bad at that to. I bet I'm worse than you.

Hope your kidney gets in a cast soon!

Homer and Queen said...

Yeah...I remember being able to go on trips and do things and hav e fun. P90X? bbwwwwaaaaaaaaa!!!

Buffy Dayton said...

I don't know how you did p90 stupid x with a broken kidney, I couldn't even do it with a not broken kidney. Love the picture by the way.

Wendy said...

Sorry for your broken kidney. I've been at the hospital three times this month with my mom and her kidney stones, so I'm feeling your pain. Well, SHE is anyway.

Don't forget to aloe your burn!!

Lara Neves said...

Ouch! did you get hit in the kidney, or fall into the water kidney first?

I'd like to think that I would still be a great water skiier, but since it has been--oh 15 years--since I last went, I am afraid I'd pretty much kill myself.

Heidi said...

Look at you with your 25 comments! Would it be weird for me to jump up and down and scream--yay! I'm #26! Hope you are feeling MUCH better now!

Deb said...

I can't go out at all anymore. I literally burn if I walk from my house to the car. I'm thinking about getting those Australian UV-blocking swimsuits that consist of a long-sleeved turtleneck and shorts.

Debbie said...

I'm impressed you even attempted it. Me? I'd be in the boat.

melissabastow said...

I went wake boarding once, drank a lot of lake water, almost puked, and then never went again. Things that require coordination don't usually go that well, so I don't know what I expected. You should strap a bit eye block to your hip for the pain. Except I guess heat would be better, huh? It's just that a heating pad just wouldn't look as cool...

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Oh my gawd! I haven't laughed this hard at a post in quite a while. You are or otherwise.

Please, please repost this picture and blow it up. I would pay good money to see the expression on your face in this one.


*MARY* said...

Man, I've been away from the states for too long. It took me an hour to figure out what AZ meant. It means from A to Zion right?

Anonymous said...

Brave, brave woman. If that were me, I'd be skipping along the water's surface like a lumpy little pebble.

Hey...wait, that might not be a bad idea....think of the rough edges I might smooth off....cheaper than lipo, right?

Boy Mom said...

I love fast trips to the lake. I do my wake boarding on jet skis though, unlike you, I do not look awesome being pulled by a boat.

The pregnant lady stand up routine make me laugh! You're a hoot.

Sara Waldron said...

I have tried a few different times to get up on a wakeboard and have never succeeded! So good for you. By the way, did you sunscreen anybody's name on your back? :)

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

OH MY GOSH... you didn't rub sunscreen on??? lol! I know how you feel, well at least a week ago I did, and it SUX!!! OUCH! OUCH!

I've never even been able to get up to wake board... so you are pretty much awesome in my book!

Shelley said...

You go girl!!!

Becca said...

Sorry about the sunburn. Mine just started peeling today--see what fun things you have to look forward too! Hope the kidney feels better, and if not at least you get to sport eh cool pregnant woman pose for a little longer!