Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I'm All Shopped Out

Who would've ever thought such thing was possible? I've never been much of a shopper to begin with...but that didn't mean I wasn't capable of spending money on occasion. And I have always found fun things at the Park City Outlet mall where my family goes every summer. Not so today.

My sister-in-law, Buffy, and I headed out this afternoon to see what we could find. Lucky for both of us, we have similar shopping styles. She's one of the few people I can shop with and still be friends with afterwards. I've learned that if I want to save friendships, as a general rule, I should just shop alone. But I think I even enjoy shopping more when Buffy is there. Plus, she's very familiar with what I wear/own so when I try things on that I really like, she responds with, "Yeah-it's cute Barb. I thought it was cute when you bought it last year, and I still think it's cute when I see you wear it." In other words, a large part of what I pick to try on, I already own. Bless her heart for saving me from double purchases.

Anyway, after about two hours and several stores today...I had bought a total of one shirt. One. It's white and short-sleeved. That's good, cuz right now I only have six other white, short-sleeved shirts in my closet...But, none of them have a square neck like this one. And really, can you ever have too many white shirts?


TisforTonya said...

I actually need a new white shirt...

and the concept of "shopped out" is foreign to me... I have had bad shopping days, but I consider them akin to bad hair days - makes me try harder the next time out!

Becca said...

I feel your shopping pain--I think I do just about the exact same thing every single time I go!

Here's to white shirts with square necks!

charrette said...

We just finished watching Confessions of a Shopaholic. I feel like I'm all shopped out just watching her shop! (But you can never have too many white shirts. I'm especially fond of white t-shirts.)

Homer and Queen said...

You can never have too many white shirts and there is no such thing as all shopped out...just sayin'...

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I need a new white shirt also. I should have gone shopping before our lunch last Saturday because then I might have had a reason to buy. I have gained weight and keep waiting for it to get lost before I buy anything new.

Glad you have someone to shop with.

Rachel Sue said...

One can neever have too many white shirts. . .And you should never, ever go shopping with my MIL. Neither should I for that matter, but it still seems to happen at least once a year. . .

Greg Pawlik said...

I'm not sure about having too many but you can DEFINITELY have too few. Like I do. Right now.

JD said...

Good to see that you have a shopping consigliere. Both because you seem to have a horrible memory for your own clothes, and because you seem to make a lot of enemies while shopping.

Karen Mello Burton said...

You can never ever have too many white shirts! I am not a crazy shopper, but when I go I really do enjoy it.

Heidi said...

A white shirt with short sleeves and a square neckline is essential. Methinks I shall go shopping now since I dont' have one . . .

Eliza said...

A white t is essential. So don't think of your trip as a waste of time. Just think of it as exercise, because I'm sure you did a lot of walking!

Shelley said...

I love you - lunch? CALL ME.

Connie said...

If you didn't need a new white shirt, I'm sure Buffy would have told's a good thing you found it. Summertime is the time to wear short sleeved white shirts! Enjoy!
(I love square necks)

Boy Mom said...

I must shop alone! Shopping with others is one of my pet peeves.

Love the different neckline comment, one can never have too many white shirts, ever!

Sara Waldron said...

I've always been a horrible shopper. Some of my best shopping experiences have been with Marie, with her telling me whats cute, how to wear it, what accessories match, etc. I can't go alone. But I'm pretty good at buying white shirts too. :)

david mcmahon said...

Shopped out? Really? No, never!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I don't know about being shopped out. I think it is at times necessary to take a lunch break or a power nap, but then? Head back in.
You would not want to shop with me. I pretty much alienate any/all who try it.

Smart Helm said...

My sister has to tell me "Step away from the yellow.. Step away from the yellow" (I never listen the first time). I LOVE yellow! I do a load of yellow every time I do laundry.

Good luck in the future!

Alyson | New England Living said...

I love that you have a friend like that! We all need a friend like that when we go shopping.

I miss Park City shopping. :( We used to live in the Jeremy Ranch section of Park City.

made sweet said...

i do the same thing!! i have so many white shirts.

and gray hoodies/zip up jackets.

so very many.

Cranberryfries said...

I was at the PC outlet mall on Wed too!!!! Holy cow. So crazy.

I was with about 6 girls and out of all of us I think 3 of us bought something. And it was a few shirts for our kids at the Childrens Place. Even though we all went looking for stuff for ourselves.

I'm not really a shopper either (I guess we gotta hang out more) but whats with that. Park City. Outlets. Shopping. Nothing. Boo. I blame the time of year. Their sales were crap that day.

JennyMac said...

Shopped out? Is that possible? LOL. And no, too many white shirts or black pants..or shoes...NOT possible.

sara said...

You can never have too many white shirts. At least I can't because usually after 2 wearings, I stain it and have to toss it.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I totally hate shopping, I would rather have a root canal. I do the the outlet malls in Park City, but I think it's cause I love Park City.

Love your blog and wish I played the piano.

Camille said...

I had a comment that started to be good but just ended a big pile of mess. I'm sorry...I hate that when it happens. Anyhoo...back to your post....always shop at the gap. I swear that I have half the stuff that their trying to sale now, I just bought it 13 years ago at half the price.

Cheffie-Mom said...

Oh, I have tons of the same shirts in different colors! Shopped out? What's that? LOL!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

You're related to Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Oh, Barbaloot, just when I think you can't be any cooler, you go and through my for another loop.

When are you finally going to move to California and be my neighbor?


rychelle said...

i imagine your closet looks just like smurfette's. rows and rows of the exact same dress. ;)

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I'm just like that with BLACK shirts! lol! I love the park city outlets!

So I guess the next time we get together I should mental note NOT to meet at the mall??? :)

Under A Lilac Tree. said...

That's so humourous. I personally love shopping, and I'm sure you would too if you found that one store that just gets your style.
Woot for white! =D!