Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So Freakin Excited!

Seriously, starting Wednesday at 5pm, this week is gonna be AWESOME! I love Thanksgiving and here's why:

-Family is coming into town! My double cousins have(with one exception, I think?) always been with us on Thanksgiving. This year we also get four, maybe five, of my brothers, and an uncle and his family. This is the uncle that writes awesome music that I love to sit and listen to.

-Earning money. My mom gives us $5 if we quote Psalm 100 at dinner.

-Friday night sleep-over with said double cousins. We're gonna watch an old school favorite, and eat yummy food and then we'll get up in the morning to do Tae Bo.

-Yams. I make the yams. I make good yams. There are crazy people that don't think yams taste good and I try to make them SO yummy that even those people like them. How can you not like food that has marshmallows on top?!

-After dinner, my cousins and I break out our Nutcracker duet book and start the Christmas festivities. Plus, if we play real nicely, we don't have to help as much with the dishes:)

-The day after Thanksgiving, I'll go with my dad to pick out a Christmas tree. And we start decorations. And, the BEST part, we turn on Thistlehair, by Alabama. It's our quintessential family Christmas song. Dad LOVES it, mom HATES it, and the kids love watching the power struggle between the two of them turning it on and off.

-There is a small, local sports event happening on Saturday. Not too big of a deal...just BYU vs. Utah!!

And that is why I am so FREAKIN excited!! I know just how Sue feels.

What are you so freakin excited about?


Kristina P. said...

Your week is made of win!

Deb said...

I knew that was the sketch you were referencing! I'm such an SNL nerd.

Rebecca Irvine said...

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you enjoy a beautiful day in the company of friends and family.

Homer and Queen said...

That was so freakin' funny! Hate to admit I missed that episode. This is how I feel about the game Saturday!

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched SNL for so long -- except for the Twilight spoof with Taylor Swift. Couldn't miss that one either. But this was HYSTERICAL! And kind of weirdly funny, since I am a Sue, and I throw surprise parties all the time.....I just don't jump through windows.

Have a ragin' blast with your cousins and be sure to take lots of pictures and tell us all about it!

Camille said...

Oh I'm excited about the 3 pies I'm going to make!!

LisAway said...

Food that has marshmallows on top, I can handle. It's VEGETABLES that have marshmallows on top that I'm not so crazy about.

I'd love to try yours, though. Maybe you'd convert me.

Sounds like you'll have a blast! No wonder you're so freakin' excited!

Liz Mays said...

Now I'm excited that you're so excited!!!

Tiffany said...

I'm so freakin ecxited about the fact that there is a cafe rio coming in by my house here in CA!!! yay!

And I feel great about your weekend and that thistlehair song. It's awesome. and ps, tell your parents I said hi. I sure do like them.

Becky said...

"My mom gives us $5 if we quote Psalm 100 at dinner."

Now that's what I call a great family tradition!!

I'm freakin' excited about cooking. People think I'm nuts, but I love the two full days of cooking. And pie. Pie, oh my.

wendy said...


that is what life is all about, being with family, making those memories, the "power struggles" that make us laugh. The joy of it all
it is what heaven is made of I think

and of course the GAME of all GAMES
go BYU --------ah, I don't know where you stand on that game, but doesn't really matter

R Allen said...

Wow... this is a lot of enthusiasm. I was excited to read about the yams... I'm a yammy kinda girl.

rychelle said...

oh, that alabama album brings back so many good memories!

sara said...

Black Friday! Yes, I'm one of THOSE people.

Cranberryfries said...

Is double cousin a new term? I'm not familiar with it. I too am freakin excited for thanksgiving though. I remember when I was little getting together and being so excited to play, and now that I'm older I'm so excited to sit around and talk. So weird. Haha.

TisforTonya said...

I'm gonna be rising and shouting with the family in Payson - should be wonderful (as long as we manage the win!)

and I love Yams - it's my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner. Seriously!

Smart Helm said...

I'm going to Texas to soak in my sisters hot tub.

Oh ya, and hang with my family :-)

Happy Thanksgiving and I hope its tons of fun!

Boy Mom said...

Your family sounds like so much fun.

Thistlehair rocks!

* said...

Fun post, love the perspective!!

BYU vs. Utah? Who are you rooting for? (me, BYU!!)

Hope you have a delightful Thanksgiving!

Karen Mello Burton said...

OK, I just laughed my head off with that video!

Go Cougs!

Cynthia said...

I found you via the MMB.

I hope you had a wonderful family celebration.

I totally LOVED that skit! I am excited Thanksgiving is now OVER and I can go full-steam ahead for Christmas.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

oh fun my dear! I hope it all went wonderful!

Hoggards said...

Barbs I'm sure that you make super yummy yams - but I highly doubt I will ever think that yams are yum. Sorry. Hope your week was as exciting as it sounded!

Mayhem and Moxie said...

One word had me busting up laughing in this post....


I'm so freakin' exited about any type of food with marshmallows on top of them.

PS: You're my Peach! :)

Connie said...

I tried to leave a comment on your post a few days ago but my computer wouldn't let me so here I am. I've over come the computer! Now that makes me freakin' excited!
I hope your Thanksgiving was everything you hoped it would be.
Love the SNL skit!

annie valentine said...


Erin said...

Can I get in on that Psalm 100 dealio?

So glad you had a nice holiday!

charrette said...

Are you sure we're not related...

Double cousins? Check!
Christmas Duet book? Check!
Rewards for quoting scripture? Check!
Crazy about Thanksgiving? Check!

No wonder I love you!

Anonymous said...

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