Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My New Best Friend

I love her. I can't get enough of her. She makes my life so much better. When I'm having a good day, she makes it better. When I'm having a bad day, she helps fix it. When I feel skinny, she makes me look amazing. When I feel...not skinny, she boosts my esteem. She's the best thing that ever happened to me.

She only has one drawback. She makes me a little lazy. See, I have this thing where I really don't like the process of washing my hair. It's so tedious and time-consuming!! Blow-drying isn't pleasant. Styling is hard. But with my new best friend, I don't have to do it nearly as often!

Bless the makers of my new best friend, Dry Shampoo!

That's an actual picture of me. If you think I look different...it's cuz I'm basically a new woman with this dry shampoo. Now, instead of washing my hair three times a week, I'm down to two!! Stop judging.

In other news: the April issue of The Barrel is out. Hooray! I would read it for the pretty, spring cover alone (which you can't see because I failed in trying to put the button on this post) as I'm currently longing for warm weather and pretty flowers, but there are actually fun articles as well! Bonus.


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is awesome that you found something that keeps you from having to wash your hair!
I'm going to check it out.

The Barrel? What have I been missing?

Kristina P. said...

OK, so does this stuff actually work? I've been wanting to try dry shampoo, because I am the epitome of lazy, but my hair is quite oily.

kwistin said...


i need some RIGHT NOW.

in the meantime, i'll stick to my baby powder.

lookin good, there, barb :)

Kristen and Alex said...

Oh my gosh...I might have to go out and buy some of that. I have to wash my hair everyday if I am going to wear it down, otherwise I can go every other day if I wear a hat. If you love this, then I might have to try it and hope that it works. I would love to wear my hair down more without washing it so often! Thanks for the sweet tip!

Nana said...

Hmmm. If it will make me look like that I might buy two bottles.

Smart Helm said...

I think your face is brushed in that picture but the hair is nice :-). I thought the dry shampoo was a joke but I looked at the comments here and on the internet and its real! Whoda thunk? I just might need to try it someday...

CB said...

I have never even heard of Dry Shampoo - that sounds interesting. I definately need to check it out and The Barrel also - Obviously I have not been "in-the-know!".

Cynthia said...

My sister was just talking about this! Where does one obtain this gem?

Becky Dayton said...

I don't get it. But I want it.

LisAway said...

Funky! I need to look it up. How does it work? what is it? I don't get it? I will be researching. Pretty sure we don't have it in Poland, though. Still, I'm glad you found a friend that is so sympathetic and helpful to you.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Okay, I am off to the store to buy some!

TisforTonya said...

hmmm... definitely going to look into this stuff :)

Alyson | New England Living said...

I've been thinking of buying this stuff! I was worried, though, about potentially getting the white flakes in the hair, which I heard can sometimes happen with dry shampoo. Have you had any problems with that?

melissabastow said...

OH. MY. GOOOOODNESS. I'm buying some of that tonight. Or now. Man, I wish I hadn't just washed my hair this morning.

(You look AMAZING in that photo, by the way.)

wendy said...

Well, I could use that kind of a transformation...I'm off to buy a case.
I went to get my hair trimmed today. SHE SLASHED it.....what part of TRIM did she not understand.
My daughter Emma is a hair stylist and always did a great job....and for Free.

The Purcells said...

I love your photo! I don't understand, is it like hair spray?

rocslinger said...

I would need more hair to use it. I know I'll get some of that "hair in a can" and than use the Dry Shampoo. What do you think?

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

Man. I totally missed my opportunity for new best friend, didn't I?! I've been hearing whisperings about dry shampoo and want to try it. I'm a 3x/week girl myself....and could totally handle less. Thanks for the tip! And? You're pretty. ;o)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I get in a pickle because I love my hair about a day after washing it, but then it goes downhill fast. I may have to try this magic stuff out!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Dry shampoo?! Have I been living under a rock!? I've never heard of it. Do you not get your hair wet at all? Do you keep it in? How does it work?

Emily said...

Trust you to find a product like that!

Heidi said...

I love it when I learn that I am not the only woman in the world who only washes her hair every other day. Love it! And I think I shall love dry shampoo, as well!

Cranberryfries said...

Wait, what? Dry shampoo. I so need top pick up some of this and try it. Awesome.