Monday, September 26, 2011

Most Hated Plot Line and THE FINALS!!

First, the bad news. I don't think I can watch The Ringer. I kinda wanted to cuz I rather like Sarah Michelle Gellar, but it's not working out for me. And it's not just cuz I don't like seeing her play a helpless, weak, non-vampire-slayer. It's weird seeing her get beat up knowing that if she really wanted, she could totally hurt someone, right? But what really bugs me is the pregnancy plot. I hate when people pretend they're pregnant. How does that even work?! You can't use that story forever. Who are these people that don't have enough common sense to realize they should drop the act and tell the truth? ASAP. It was one of the many reasons I could not deal with Glee. That much stupidity is just offensive. Ugh.

Now, the good news: no one voted for Harry in that last round. Bless you all. It came down, as I predicted at the beginning, to Hugh Jackman vs. Gilbert Blythe. Don't know how I'll make up my mind on this one... Also, I have to apologize for my huge error in leaving out Jim Caveziel! What was I thinking? He could have been added as himself, as the Count of Monte Cristo, or as his new character in Person of Interest. Either way, he is an honorary winner in my heart. Him and Joel McHale.


Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Gilbert Blythe all the way baby. I mean really there is no other choice.

So that BYU Utah game, kind of a bummer, huh? But at least last week was better.

I get to come back to Provo in two weeks so I think I need to go to the San Jose State game in order to correct the horrible wrong that was perpetuated last week.

I have never watched the Ringer. But we are counting the days until the new season of Psych.

Emily said...

I'm sticking with Gilbert - always.

cbleeflang said...

Gilbert, Gilbert, Gilbert

wendy said...

I must be soooo out of the loop, as I don't know any of these people. Hugh Jackman, I think I saw him in something, can't remember what though.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Seriously! That pregnancy farce thingy is lazy writing!

CB said...

Hugh Jackman was on Leno the other night. Did you know the man can sing? I didn't till I saw it. Totally tipped the scales in his favor!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Gilbert Blythe, Gilbert Blythe, Gilbert Blythe, Gilbert Blythe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any questions on how I feel about it?

sara said...

Wow, I haven't even thought about Gilbert in years. I kind of forgot about him. Now that I really think about it, Anne was the powerhouse of that relationship and Gilbert was a putz some of the time, so I'll go with Hugh. Tough man Australia Hugh - not Wolverine Hugh. I guess that's his advantage. Hugh has many roles - Gilbert, not so much.

Sara Waldron said...

I don't know either that well, but I think they're good choices. I'll go with Gilbert.
Also, one episode of Glee was enough for me. Disappointing.

Becky Dayton said...

I don't want sunbursts or marble halls, I just want Gilbert.

The Purcells said...

It makes me so happy that so many people feel the same way as me! How appropriate that Gilbert won! Oh, he is so, so perfect!

Adam and Lisa said...

Big difference between us: I didn't watch The Ringer BECAUSE of Sarah Michelle Gellar. That girl drives me CRAZY. Sorry.