Thursday, December 13, 2012

That Time I Stuck My Foot In My Mouth. At Work

Okay fine--- I've stuck my foot in my mouth at work lots of times. But this one just barely happened.

Also, can we pause for just a second and acknowledge how weird that saying is? In reality, my lack of flexibility would never allow my foot to reach my mouth. And if I say something stupid does that mean I already put my foot in my mouth, or that I need to do that?

Back to my story. My boss came into work today all pleased about these new shoes he bought and asked my opinion. It was obvious he wanted validation and I'm usually pretty good and giving that. But for some reason I was struck mute. And then I kind of let out a prolonged "um?" that was an octave above my normal voice. What is wrong with me?

But I didn't stop there. I told him they kind of reminded me of polio shoes and I was half expecting to see a brace extending out the heel and up his leg. Seriously?! Who says stuff like that?

Me apparently. That's not only offensive to him, but quite possibly to the entire polio community. I'm sorry.

He told me to stop talking after that.


Alyson | New England Living said...

Haha! You are too awesome! We all have those perplexing moment, where words don't come, and when they do we wished they hadn't.

wendy said...

HA HA HA...I can't help but laugh over that one. !!!

Kristina P. said...

I'm sure Polio Shoes will be the next big thing!

sara said...

How funny that you "stuck your foot in your mouth" by talking about your boss's feet...

Sara Waldron said...

Ha, that's pretty bad. I'll think about you next time my flexible kids have their feet in their mouths.

Adam and Lisa said...

Hahaha!!! That's like something out of the dorky tv shows we used to love watching--like a train wreck you just can't peel your eyes away from! Glad you still have a job. ;)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yipes! But I must say that, "Stop talking now" has become my new favorite phrase over the past few months.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Okay, I laughed! That was AWESOME!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

OK. That made me snort!
I love it.

Hey, I say if they don't really want to know, don't ask.

Felix Gotschalk said...

could we have some more blog activity soon please?

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