Sunday, August 23, 2009

Defying Gravity. And Death.

First I defied death. Many times. I hate driving. I hate it in Utah when I drive on the right (literally) side of the road. But then I went and did it in New Zealand! On the left side of the road, but the right side of the car. It was weird. And many times I would try and turn my blinker on, but guess what? The blinker mechanism is on the other side in these cars, so I would turn on my windshield wipers instead. It happened way too many times.

Do you see the crazy speed of the cars around me in this picture? They were going 100 mph!! Oh wait, that was kilometers. JK Still, it was scary. But, I prayed for help, and I can promise you I got it. Hence the being able to come home in one piece.

As far as defying gravity, I mostly just helped it along when my cousin Becky and I went bungy jumping. Marie was too scared/sensible to join us.

These are the bathroom signs. I'm not really sure how that would work out...

Here I am getting multiple safety things attached to me.

And here I am taking the dive. I wish I would've jumped instead of just falling. I think it would make the picture more exciting. But hey, the jump was pretty amazing by itself. Seriously-it's one of the most exciting things I've ever done! I got a post-card of this picture and I REALLY wanted to send it to my parents before I got home to surprise/scare them. But alas, the mail would've been too slow. Sad day.

And don't worry, here I am being towed back up to safety.

And now I'm able to enjoy the amazing New Zealand skyline after surviving my fall.

In case you were wondering which one I liked more; I would bungy jump a MILLION more times before I rented another crazy car.


Adam and Lisa said...

I must say, I keep thinking about how impressed I am with you driving on the wrong side of the road on that trip! I know how much you hate driving on the freeway, and such.

Adam and Lisa said...

Oh, and I think your free fall picture looks awesome!

Cranberryfries said...

I'd way rather bunjie jump over water than a ravine full of giant rocks. Your picture looks awesome even if you didnt jump. Think of all of us who don't even have one of those.

My dad let me drive when we went to England, even though I was a little younger than 16, cause it's one of those experiences you're not sure how often you'll get. Crazy stuff. (Oh and I only drove in parking lots.)

Kristina P. said...

You are a brave girl!

Hoggards said...

Dude, you are totally living the life! I'm so jealous! Acutally, I think I would probably wuss out on the bungy jumping thing. And yeah, driving like that would freak me out too! So much fun for you! And P.S. Have I told you before that you look great?? :)

LaurieJ said...

My hands totally started sweating when I saw your falling picture!
What a great trip!

sara said...

Wow! I'm impressed, I've always been too scared to do that!

Homer and Queen said...

I am playing the song Free Fallin' right now while I am puking for you!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

The only way I could ever bunji jump would be if I were sedated. I am way too chicken/sensible.

You go girl. I feel like I am watching an episode of the amazing race.

Karen Mello Burton said...

There is not enough money in this world to convince me to jump off a bridge with a rubber band tied to my ankle. YIKES.

But I would try the driving. I hope we can still be friends...

Camille said...

I can't get around the walmart parking lot without anxiety, I couldn't even imagine driving on the other side, I would be a mess. And I have to agree with the previous commenter, your falling picture looks pretty cool.

Peter and Katie said...

Wow! That would be so much fun! I agree with Camille you do look great!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

You are so much, much, muchier brave than i! I'd totally do the car thing!

Shelley said...

I've just spent the last several minutes reading all of your posts (I've been out of the blogging world for a while). You have some amazing shots! What a wonderful time you must of had. Good for you, and thanks for sharing with everyone.

April said...

Do the bungee jumping now...cause once you have a few just isn't the same....or so I've heard! :)

rychelle said...

wow! WOW!

i would have been too frightened to do either of those things.

JD said...

I think on my list of things to do before I die, bungee-jumping ranks somewhere between getting stabbed by a sociopathic clown and shooting myself in the kneecap. (read: very, very low)

Glad you enjoyed yourself, though.

annie valentine said...

You know all of us lamo live at homers are living vicariously through you, right? Because you're the coolest girl EVER. Have you seen the previews for TBL? Holy cow. No pun intended.

Smart Helm said...

Oh man. Just looking at that picture makes me have to go to the bathroom.

Way to scary. Gotta go!

melissabastow said...

You're insane. Bungy jumping is scary. So is driving in Utah. I don't know about New Zealand, but Utah drivers scare the poop out of me.

in time out said...

sounds fun and interesting...

Emily said...

Wowsers! I think - wait, I KNOW - that I would have been too chicken to bungee jump. You are super brave.

As for driving in a car on the other side of the world. I think I'd like to try it, but only if it could be in a remote area with no other cars!

Buffy Dayton said...

Flying Barbara!