Monday, December 14, 2009

The Spirit of Christmas

I have a couple posts that are swimming around in my head right now that are somewhat sarcastic. Me? I know, weird right? But as I was thinking about posting one, my mom reminded me that today is my brother's 3rd "birthday." And that birthday made me feel much more like posting something positive.

A little over three years ago, my dad called me one night to say my brother Perry's kidneys were failing. Big time. He'd need a transplant ASAP or he'd have to go on dialysis. It was terrifying and heart breaking and I was so scared for him. No 23 year old should ever have to face a life-threatening situation like that. But Perry was. And he was so brave and positive about it. The response to people finding out about his failure was so amazing. Brothers, cousins, uncles, aunts...all were willing to offer up one of their own kidneys to save Perry's life. Our brother Joey grew up knowing about Perry's kidney condition and knowing that he'd probly end up being a donor one day. As soon as he found out about Perry, there was no hesitation on his part. He told Perry he'd always planned on giving a kidney to his brother---and he was ready.

There were a million prayers leading up to December 14, 2006 for the safety and health of Joey and Perry. I know the doctor's hands were guided that day so that everything went well. I know they were both blessed in their recovery.

Joey truly is a modern-day hero. He didn't hesitate for one second to give up a part of himself to save his brother. I'm so impressed by his sacrifice and grateful that today it could give me a feeling of the true spirit of Christmas.

Christmas is such a wonderful season and such a great excuse to open our hearts to serving and loving others. It's also a time to remember our Savior, the miracle of His birth and His sacrifice for us. I hope this season we all have a chance to recognize the heroes in our own lives and the blessing of our Savior.


Kristina P. said...

Truly what Christmas is about. Oh, and the terrorists, of course.

Anonymous said...

wonderful brothers! i'd like to think that my sisters would do the same for me and i for them! Merry Christmas!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Thanks for the beautiful reminder.

Cajoh said...

Yes, it definitely worth hearing about the sacrifices others make during this season that may appear so selfish.

April said...

That is what the true meaning of Christmas is all about! Thanks for sharing!

Boy Mom said...

Very Awesome! I'd like to think that my sons would give up a kidney for their brother. They're always offering to rip off each others body parts so that's a start right....

rychelle said...

i have to admit, when i opened the post and saw two half naked men, this was not the post i was expecting.....

but, what a great story. you have some pretty cool brothers.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

That is an amazing story. You have an awesome family.

Karen Mello Burton said...

OK, I just teared up. Great story of love and sacrifice. Those two are bonded forever. Awesome!

Erin said...

What a great story! You have a very selfless brother and a very blessed brother.

I love your blog header too!

Lara Neves said...

Such a wonderful story and a great example of what it really means to give of ourselves. Not that we all have to actually give a part of our physical bodies, but you know.

I love it.

Sara Waldron said...

Barb- cute background, sweet post, and great reminder. You are so very right. I'm so glad Perry is doing well and am grateful for Joe's unselfish example! So glad we live in a time when transplants are possible!

Liz Mays said...

Amen. What a truly selfless gift that was! I am such a proponent of organ donation and to do it while one is still consciously aware of it is an awesome gift of love.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

What an amazing story! Such true love, that is awesome!

Smart Helm said...

Thank you for sharing. A great Christmas reminder of what we should be thankful for!

Camille said...

Oh my goodness Rychelle!! Barb just set her up with one of your brothers OK?

Connie said...

"And if ye have not charity, ye are nothing"
Not sure if this scripture really fits this story but it came to me. What pure love your brother has! Now they both have some great scars to show off!

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

Sounds like you have an awesome family. That was a wonderful reminder of the true meaning on the season. And I look forward to future sarcasm. ;o)

Alyson | New England Living said...

Oh my word! Here comes the waterworks! Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Much better than a sarcastic post. This was lovely. How's Perry doing now?

Hoggards said...

Excellent post Barb. I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. I'm glad that Perry is okay. Joey is awesome!

Shelley said...

Truly and excellent post. Thanks so much for sharing.

Deb said...

What a wonderful story! Thank you for sharing it!

Debbie said...

What a wonderful gift. What could be better than life?
Love the new look around here, too.

Mayhem and Moxie said...

Loving the blog goodness that I am reading about and seeing, Barbaloot.

I always knew that you came from good genes. This post just verifies my belief.

melissabastow said...

That is very very cool.

I don't think I'd give my sibling a kidney though. Mine are actually pretty wussy and would probably end up killing off one of my sisters instead...

Cynthia said...

Tears in my eyes as I read this! What wonderful brothers and such an amazing gift. A Happy Birthday indeed! My Uncle's sisters once did this for each other and stayed at my folks house until they recovered. It was so neat to see what they were willing to do for each other.

Two of my sisters offered to carry a baby for us, if it came to that. I know they meant it too. Luckily, it did NOT come to that but their heartfelt offers will never be forgotten.

Emily said...

I had forgotten about that. You have some amazing brothers. I'm so glad that everything is still going well for Perry.

Thanks also for your sweet reminder of the Savior and his part in our lives. We are so blessed.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

That is such a great story! Happy 3rd brother!!!

I love this holiday for the very fact that the savior gets his due in remembrance from all whether they want to or not... Right? :)

Anonymous said...

Man I have such awesome cousins.

Heidi said...

Goose bumps!