Friday, April 30, 2010

Things I Should've Learned Before Age 25

-Shaving without water is never a good idea. No matter how much of a hurry you're in.

-Even though ending sentences with a preposition is grammatically incorrect (and super irritating), it's impossible to avoid all the time.

-What purpose the freeway belt loop serves. Seriously, where is that thing supposed to take me?

-Glaring at your alarm clock doesn't stop the annoying sound.

-Flossing is a necessary evil. I hate flossing. Hate Hate Hate. Double hate.

-How to put up curtains in a house. My windows look naked.

-Just because you don't tell people when you're birthday is, doesn't mean you won't get older. So, you may as well tell them so you can get presents.

On May 3rd I won't be 25 anymore. Just so you know.


Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

It's downhill from here, you might as well just stop flossing because it doesn't matter anymore anyway!

Happy Birthday girl! ;)

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

I'm not totally sure what a preposition is and I'm 31. I think I may have missed the "grown up" class in school.

I'll come help you hang curtains. That's kinda my thing. ;o)

Happy Birthday! I hope you get lots of cool presents from all your adoring fans.

Lara Neves said...

Well happy Birthday on Monday! (Monday, right?)

And I'm almost 36 and still haven't learned that I should always shave with water. I'm getting there...when I actually shave.

Camille said...

Happy birthday! What kind of advice can I share with you? Learn how to make cream puffs.

sara said...

I agree whole heartedly on that last one. And then pretend to be Cher and sing me a little "If I could turn back time..."
Happy birthday!

wendy said...

WELL DANG GIRL happy birthday. 26 will be awesome. cause you won't be a little 25 year old anymore (tee,hee)

and NEXT TIME I COME TO UTAH, we'll go to the Cheescake Factory !!

Emily said...

Razor burn with lotion on top. Ouch. You should wish for one of those electric wet/dry razors for your birthday.

Liz Mays said...

Happy Birthday (3 days early) just in case! Razor burn is bad, bad, bad. Stop that nonsense!

Tiffany said...

Turning 26 was a hard one for me too. I felt so old! Oh well. It's inevitable, right?
and dry shaving is awful!
and "window treatments" are overrated. I think I just might do blinds at my house.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Happy early birthday, you cute thing. You have learned a lot of valuable lessons. :)

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Well Happy Almost Birthday! My oldest will be 31 on the 4th of May. May is a good month.

I am old enough to be yo mama. I think I'm older than Wendy.

You don't need to floss all your teeth. Just the ones you want to keep.

Homer and Queen said...

Is it sad that I am not sure what a preposition is but I know what a proposition is? See ? Reality TV.

If I was there I would totally bring you dinner or buy you a present. Which ever was easier.

TisforTonya said...

Happy almost birthday... and yes, flossing is hateful but necessary.

I posted a picture of a birthday cake on my blog last night - let's just pretend I made it for you and that can be your gift :) (and yes, it IS a cake, well, cupcakes... I promise!)

* said...

I hate flossing, too. And although I do it like a maniac every single day, my dentist always chides me that I'm only a hair's breath away from gingivitis. I blame my family curse: crappy teeth.

PS: I think the 20's were overrated. ;)

Magoo said...

I think that you gave flossing a triple hate before your double hate comment:)

Oh, and happy b-day! When I get back to Utah I will give you a call.

CB said...

I am with you - I Hate flossing with a passion...and yet I nag my kids to do it everyday - ha ha!!

Hope your birthday is Super Great!!!! (and that you get alot of presents).

P.S. If I used a bad preposition don't be hatin' - ha ha - Thanks

Sara Waldron said...

I have definitely stared at my alarm clock, hoping it would just run out of beeping or something. Hard to believe, I know. As far as prepositions, I know what you're getting at.
P.S. Becky has gotten me into Psych. Fun show.

Becky Dayton said...

Barbara I love your blog. so much. I'm sitting here nodding my head at each of the points. I hope everything is going well for you. Love the Grinch quote.

Sara- I'm so glad you're into Psych now! Welcome to the party. All I ask is...don't be a rabid porcupine.

Alyson | New England Living said...

I'm in my early thirties and they have been way awesomer (not a word, I know) than my twenties, so you have much to look forward to the older you get.

Happy birthday to you and I hope you wear your magic red shoes to celebrate! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. I don't know if you remember me, but we went to High School together. I found you on Crash's blog.

Just thought I'd stop in...

April said...

My legs hurt for you...booo to dry shaving! I LOVE flossing! (And I carry around floss in my purse, car and I have little dental brushes-I have a problem, I know!)

Finally~ Happy Birthday!

Rosie said...

are you really only 25 for one more day? Happy birthday, Barb!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Sometimes I wonder how I don't learn from that shaving w/ no water thing---every time I think I'll be okay and end up with stinging legs, so dumb!

Nicoletta said...

I claim the distinction of being the first to wish you a happy birthday on your actual birthday. (It is 12:09 A.M. on May 3rd. Don't ask me why I'm still awake.) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...


LisAway said...

Happy Birthday!!

Agree completely with your thoughts on ending with a preposition. I just commented on someone's facebook status by asking "to where" they were moving. Now that's what I call lame, but I could not write either "where are you moving to" or just "where are you moving". Ugh.

I promise our windows look more bare.

I am not a fan of flossing either. I only do it about twice a week.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Happy Day of Days! 26 ain't nothin' to sneeze at, my friend. It's a good number -- much better than, say, 39....

And I always tell my kids: only floss the teeth you want to keep. So there you go! You don't HAVE to floss them all!

melissabastow said...

Oh man, I missed it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (yesterday.) And if it makes you feel any better, by 25 I was hardly ever shaving my legs, water or no. (That's probably one of those things you should probably not share, but I'm not going to delete it from this comment. Instead I'm going to keep rambling, and also mention that I hardly ever wear shorts. Ok, I NEVER wear shorts or short skirts. So the leg shaving thing? What's the point? Besides, who am I trying to impress anyway? No one at my house cares if I have hairy legs. And besides, then I can make a big announcement on the days the I DO shave, like it's some great accomplishment.)