Thursday, May 6, 2010

Things I Learned Before I Turned 26

-There is no such thing as too many white shirts.

-You will always run out of windshielf wiper fluid when you need it most.

-Reese's peanut butter cups taste best when you buy the special holiday ones in new colors. They're fresh, so the chocolate hasn't had time to get yucky on the grocery store shelf.

-Pomegranites are totally worth the effort it takes to eat them.

-You will never regret making credit card payments before they're due.

-Soccer players are always the hottest.


Kristina P. said...

When I was very young, around 5, we had a pomegranate tree in our backyard. My mom HATED that thing!

stacey said...

You are a wise woman barb! I agree with you, especially with the white shirts and peanut butter cups :)

Emily said...

"You have much knowledge."

Erin said...

In my fog of pregnancy brain, I realized I put my husband's credit card bill in the "paid" pile rather than the "need to pay" pile. I realized this the day before it was due. Whew!

And I love white shirts, but not when I'm trying to hide a giant belly.

TisforTonya said...

in total agreement... except for that one HUGE payment I made to my credit card that I probably should have held on to...

Eternal Lizdom said...

That is some serious wisdom you are laying down. For realz, yo.

CB said...

You are so cute! Wise wise woman :D

I have to totally agree with the Reese's. I especially love the Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs at Easter. I never understood why they tasted so much better until I realized it was because they were fresh :D

Heather Dayton said...

Oh the wisdom...haha! I told David about the Reeses. He ALWAYS loves the new holiday we know why. :) And I think that I have gotten rid of more white (or not so white anymore) shirts than any other true.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Look at cute you, and all of the wisdom you have embraced. Happy birthday!

Becky Dayton said...

Amen to all of the above except for Pomegranites. I just don't think they're that great.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

So when is your birthday?

All great insights into life. Thank you very much.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Hee hee. Btw, 26 was my favorite age, besides 40. This is your year, girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

Wait a second...Reese's come in holiday colors? Like pastels for easter, or green for St. Patty's day?? WHAT THE WHAT?! I really HAVE been out to lunch! I also only recently discovered that Hershey Kisses come in a New England Cheesecake flavor... life, as I know it, has been redefined.

And Happy Birthday Again. And Again. We should reserve the right to celebrate birthdays all month long, or all year long, if we so desire.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

100% agree on all. Especially the peanut butter cups.

the Lola Letters said...

-Reese's peanut butter cups taste best when you buy the special holiday ones in new colors. They're fresh, so the chocolate hasn't had time to get yucky on the grocery store shelf.

Oh tell it sista!
Amen and amen!

wendy said...

I LOVE white shirts too.
and go to Costco ---I used to buy these bowl things of ready to eat pomogranates. AWESOME!!! (where did I find them exactly??)

and nice to see soccer "making it's way" into the U.S. more. Cause I agree ---there are some "hotties" on those teams.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

wait until you get married and have babies... Black (slimming) shirts are the new white!

Just sayin.

Smart Helm said...

Amen Sister! U can never go wrong with Chocolate and peanut butter.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Sooooooooooooooooo true! Pomegranates are FABULOUS!

Sara Waldron said...

I think I have as many black as white shirts- but love both colors. I definitely agree with you about soccer players, credit card payments, and Reece's. I had never really run out of windshield wiper fluid before, but Chris uses it about every 2 minutes during the winter, so now we've gone through a lot!

Alyson | New England Living said...

HA! I feel the same about peanut butter cups! Love them in egg form.

Great list! But why never enough white shirts? I don't have many. Am I missing out?!

Mayhem and Moxie said...

I think you pretty much learned everything you need to know in the world before age 26...especially the part about Reece's Putter Butter Cups. That one is really more of a survival skill!


PS: Is a Happy Birthday in order here?

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

I didn't even know that peanut butter cups came in holiday colors. I feel like I'm missing out!

I think I need a peanut butter cup to help me get over my lack of knowledge....

Heidi said...

Amen to the holiday reese's! It's not the chocolate that gets to me, it's the peanut butter that had turned to a whitish chalk. Hate it! The risk of getting one of those is enough to put me off buying them. Almost.

Just SO said...

I have to say that I've never had a pomegranate! Sad.

Happy Birthday! (a little late)

And I totally agree with you on the white shirts.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You are wise beyond your young years my dear!
I didn't know that about the Reeses. I think it's best when eaten cold and first thing in the morning.