Friday, May 21, 2010

Here's the Thing

So, those people that stand on busy street corners with company billboards dancing around and acting crazy? I don't get it. While I vaguely admire their confidence/lack of shame, their crazy dancing and spinning the sign makes it impossible for me to see what it is they're supposed to be advertising. How am I supposed to know what company is having what deal? I think the companies that do this (seriously, who are they? I can't read the signs) could save a lot of money with a self-standing sign stating their promotion. The dancing people are just making me dizzy.


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

OK that made me laugh! I feel the same. It's like the ultimate job aspiration................not.

Jillybean said...

The dancing sign holders are the live equivalent of spam email. They keep showing up and you just ignore them.

Lara Neves said...

Amen. I totally block them out. But maybe it works or they wouldn't do it.

Kristina P. said...

Ran into a former client doing that. He loved it!

Heidi said...

They make me thirsty. Ugh. We have a whole school around here that teaches people how to do that. Wild, huh?

JD said...

there seems to be some skill, actually. have you seen them spinning those things?

sara said...

I've thought the same thing. Especially the ones that are shaped like arrows. How do I know which way they are pointing???

Anonymous said...

Agreed, totally. I think it's part of some sort of Introverts Anonymous Immersion Therapy or something. Can't you just see a social worker yelling at them? "Get out there and make a fool of yourselves in public, people!"

Karen Mello Burton said...

It IS weird, but I guess it makes us notice them!

wendy said...

I always wonder at what point does one agree to wear those crazy costumes or signs and stand on a street corner, dance around for the sake of advertisment.

at least on "my corner" I didn't have to wear a costume, in fact the less cloths the better. Wha ha ha ha ha

Smart Helm said...

My sister says that is the perfect job for her kids (she's a social worker) cuz if they don't show up... who cares? Makes me laugh every time I see them.

Shelley said...

I have caught myself admiring their...well confidence...or whatever it is they have that keeps them there. But most of the time I'm just embarrassed for them. This one dude (dressed in statue of liberty get-up) looked like he needed to go pee, or at the Craig house we call it the potty dance. Seriously while sitting at the stop light watching him do his dance I wanted to yell out the window to go use the restroom!

Camille said...

The poor kids I usually see are just kind of bopping and not doing anything great. I feel bad for them, especially when it's really hot outside.

TisforTonya said...

I appreciate those guys... they give me something to threaten my kids with when they don't want to do their homework... "Really, do you want to end up dancing with the Cell Phone sign on the corner when you grow up?"

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I feel sorry for them usually, so I point and laugh and give them attention. :)

Liberty TAX... that's the standing person dressed as the Statue of LIberty... that's all I have been able to decipher so far.

Boy Mom said...

I feel a compulsive need to offer them something, a cold drink some prozac...something.

rocslinger said...

It's kind of a sliding scale of "contribution to society". At least their getting paid. Truth be known, sadly, they could make better money sitting in a wheel chair begging for hand outs. So let's applaud their desire to work.

April said...

That was me! I waved and you didn't wave back! hahahaha!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Yet, you can't help but stare. Then feel bad for staring. Then stare out of the corner of your eye. Then look away, then look back. Maddening is right.

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

Maybe they get paid a lot for it? You'd have to pay me A LOT to do that, but a job is a job.

Cynthia said...

Amen! Blame the "Darn Fresh Corn" people- they started this whole thing.

If you have no sense of shame, you could burn A LOT of calories and get PAID to do it. Food for thought.

Cynthia said...

And as a Psst! We have some smart, cute, single guys working on the campaign- if you're bored and want to, you know, meet guys I mean 'volunteer'! LOL!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

The other day I saw a guy dressed as a chicken holding a pizza sign...where is the correlation there?!?!? Pizza---chicken---still don't get it.

Alyson | New England Living said...

What is going on out in Utah?! I've never seen those guys out here. Perhaps Connecticut was smart enough to outlaw it. ;)

Sara Waldron said...

If I were to have that job I would at least appreciate having something to cover my face.
There was a guy up here in Ogden who was crazy- he danced his little heart out, and he was good too! It was great entertainment every time I passed by.

Connie said...

I feel sorry for the people who have that as their job! However, I have to admit, there have been some who are quite entertaining.

Loralee and the gang... said...

I would be too embarrassed to do that job. If you ever see me on the street waving a sign like that, you'll know there is a lot of desperate things going on in my life...

the Lola Letters said...

Ha ha!
Whenever the hubs and I see one, I tell him that I'm going to go apply because it's the perfect job for me.

I get to listen to rad tunes and burn thousands of calories and get PAID for it! My only stipulation is that I get to wear a costume/mask of some sort. Can't actually have people know it's me, you know?

(And yes, I totally just said "rad tunes." The jeeeust happened folks. It really did.)

Chief said...

When my kids see the dancing signs.. the first thing they say is :shoulda stayed in school"