Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bands I Don't Like With Songs I Like

I get irrationally irritated when a band I don't like comes out with a song I do like. I feel like I'm not being legit anymore. Like I was too legit. Too legit to quit. But now I'm not legit. I'm unlegit. (Bonus points if you know that movie.) I mean, these are bands that really irritate me: their voices, their style, their name etc. It all combines to serious irritation.

That being said, here's some songs I like from bands I don't like.
-Soul Sister by Train. Serously though, that Drops of Jupiter song is lame enough that I can't stand the band or any of their other songs. How does one get drops of Jupiter in their hair. What does that even mean?
-Viva la Vida by Coldplay. But Yellow? I mean, really? And also, Clocks. Just gross. Plus, Chris Martin. Ew. He gives me the creeps.
-Carry this Picture by Dashboard Confessionals. What is a Dashboard Confessional? That's just weird. So is the rest of their music.
-Home by Foo Fighters. In my defense, this song sounds nothing like their usual style. I think Foo Fighters sounds like something a little kid is trying to pronounce but not getting correct. It's annoying. You're grown men. Act like it. Also, Long Road to Ruin is slightly enjoyable. Mostly for the video, though.

Anyone else have songs like they by bands they hate?


Kristina P. said...

I know! Train came out of nowhere, with this super catchy song. I had no idea they were still around, until I saw an episode of CSI: NY, where they were on it.

TisforTonya said...

I'm sure I have some... but I'm one of those band-deficient people so I'd have to have my husband around so that he could identify which song I was humming to him before I could leave an intelligent comment :)

Cajoh said...

I guess I'm really good at identifying a particular band and typically avoid any of their songs even if one of them wind up being oh so popular.

I also come from the generation that if you like a particular song, you check out their album to see if you like the band and wind up being a fan.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Wow. I've never thought about this. Now I'm going to be up all night long.
Thanks a lot!

The Jessee Journal said...

I'm with you 100% on the Coldplay. I fought it for so long but finally gave in to the Vida goodness. I am SO insanely irritated that I like Uncle Crackers new song "Smile" Everytime I hear it I curse that he is singing it, wish it was someone else, and then sing along. Granted, it's the LYRICS i love, not the singer ("I'm lucky just to linger in your light ... you're cooler than the flip side of my pillow..." Anytime I think of his previous " ... and swim through your veins like a fish in the sea" I have to fight off a gag reflex. Don't get me started on his name "UNCLE CRACKER??"

CB said...

It took me a long time to like Coldplay - in fact, because of this post I think I didn't like them until Viva la Vida came out - Now I do.
The others I'm with you on.
Now everytime I turn on the radio I will be thinking of this post. Ha ha

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

I'm generally one of those people who have no idea who sings what song. I hear about people laughing because their kids know Lady Gaga songs (or something like that) and I honestly don't think I'd know a Lady Gaga song if I heard it. But I would recognize her. I don't get out much, but I'm not that bad. ;o)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

I agree! i am generally unaware of any artists, unless it is SUPER obvious, but that train one? catchy.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I get a kick out of it when you get snarky! :)

Johnny and Angela Dayton said...

I like the Hot Rod reference. If you are a coldplay non-fan, the song Sparks might convert you too. Just don't think of his politics or his bizarre naming skills when you listen.

sara said...

I usually end up with a song I don't like in my head by a person I don't care for. More specifically Lady Ga-Ga and Katie Perry, I don't like either of them or their music, but I always get stuck singing their stuff.

Shelley said...

I'm so pathetically "behind" that I had to go listen to each one of those songs just I knew what you were talking about. I think I'm stuck with 80's music in my head and I'm having a hard time following some of these newer bands. But I have to say I do like Soul Sister & Viva la Vida, and the bands don't appeal to me at all.

Alyson | New England Living said...

Funny, I don't like any of those bands either! Though you hate 4-inch wedges and I'm not a big fan of playing soccer, we just may have something in common afterall! ;)

wendy said...

oops, I don't know most of these songs. But I like most of Cold Play.
what about Third Eye Blind --what's that all about.
and Lady Ga Ga --does she still think she's 2.

I am out of the loop
I like the Everly Brothers, (tee,hee)

and just so you know, hasn't everyone had a little jupiter in their hair???

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

so funny. but i kinda agree on them all.

now i'm gonna think differently of them when i hear them.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

TOTALLY ditto on Cold Play!!!

I feel that way about Prodigy and Eminem too.

in time out said...

that would require brain activity. i am pretty sure all i know are lullabies and kid tunes. I will have to pay better attention. Great post!!!

Sara Waldron said...

I'm pretty clueless- I didn't know any of those songs by name but recognized them when I listened to them. It's always nice to be informed and your blog often helps me keep up to date!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

I love that Soul Sister song!! I'm listening to it now. I also LOVE Cold Play!

Connie said...

I feel cleansed after listening to Dashboard Confessionals!

Hope you had a great birthday!

JD said...

You need to listen to some acoustic Foo. Then you will like them.

Deb said...

I was just talking to my 5th graders about this: "I Want it That Way" by the Backstreet Boys. I HATE them so very, very much, but that is an awesome song. I have been avoiding adding it to my iTunes library just because I don't want to see "backstreet boys" on my list of artists, and I already have several "beastie boys," so I might get confused.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

ha ha Barb. You are so funny. You're right about drops of Jupiter and dashboard confessionals. What and How?

I do like all those groups though even though i don't know the what and how. But I defer to you and musical taste because I totally dig your musical taste.

Hey, did anyone ever tell you you look like those red headed twins on America's Next Top Model. I don't know what cycle. Mabye 7? You're way prettier and more graceful. And your shoes are cooler. But there is something there that reminds me.

Rachel Sue said...

I love viva la vida. It just makes me happy.

Becky Dayton said...

Now we just need to find you a Rascal Flatts song that you like. :) Also the movie is Hot Rod. I definitely did that legit quote the other day to a boy. He had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I felt like so dumb.

Beeswax said...

I could listen to Yellow all the whole day long!

Cynthia said...

Yes, I have those but after reading your examples I feel like a totally OLD LADY because I only recognize one song.