Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Thoughts on Tuesday

My first thought: this isn't thoughts about Tuesday, it's thought I'm having on a day that happens to be Tuesday. Just sayin.

I love whoever it was that fixed my AC. If I had to sleep another night in 80 degree weather I may have died. By melting.

I'm watching The Bachelorette right now. Yes, I watch that show. Yes, I'm at work. Yes, I'm watching it at work (but all my work is completed right now---don't worry). All I can think is that The Weatherman is such a goober. I feel awkward just watching the poor kid.

I think I actually might be even more awkward than him, though. Bummer.

Getting up early in the morning isn't so hard now that it's not freezing cold outside. I can handle being outside at 6:00 if I don't have to wrap up like an eskimo.

My right arm is sore from dodgeball. Dodgeball---really. How does that small rubber ball have the capability to make me sore? Lame. We played it for FHE last night and I brought some little balls about the size of small cantaloupes. I figured they'd be harder to catch and it would maybe even the playing field for boys and girls. Yeah-I did not take into account how hard the boys would be able to throw them. I think most of the girls in my ward are mad at me now. Oops.

I'll be guest posting over at Real Word: Venus vs. Mars later this week. It's a site about relationships and I'll be writing about how not to speak to those that don't have one. Ironic? First step: if I truly am as awkward as The Weatherman, you can tell me. But please be gentle.


TisforTonya said...

I saw that your Venus and Mars post was coming this week - I'm actually looking forward to it!!!

AC is an invention inspired by Heaven - glad yours is working again!!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Looking forward to reading your post.
I'm not able to comprehend the need for air conditioning. We have yet to hit a high of 70.
Today for the first time in weeks there is sunshine outside.

If you do sound like a dorky weatherman I'll love ya anyway.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I can't wait to read your post either. I am always glad to have more perspective on how not to offend/hurt others.

I watched a teeny tiny part of the bachelorette, but didn't see the end. what was with making those guys wear teeny tiny swim suits?

Becky Dayton said...

Wow FHE was Dodgeball. That's new? I can totally picture you taking in your little balls and all the girls glaring at you. Ha ha. I'm sure they didn't even notice.
Guest blogging huh? Now the whole world will know your geniusness!

JennyMac said...

I want to play dodgeball!!!!

Boy Mom said...

Dodge ball sounds so fun!

I'll have to check out this Mars VS Venus site.

Are you on the Activities committee? Cuz me too! I wonder how Dodge ball would go in our ward?

the Lola Letters said...

I've never heard of this Venus VS Mars site! (That tends to happen when you've been married for awhile I suppose...where were all these cool relationship blogs back when I needed them?!) Can't wait to read your post!

Also, I just HAVE to give you some (TOTALLY unsolicited) dating advice (you can thank me later ;) and it is this:
You know the boys who throw dodge balls REALLY REALLY hard at girls?

Yeah, um...stay away from those ones...seriously. They'll also smash cake in your face and ruin your wedding dress, throw you off a boat or into a pool when you aren't dressed for swimming, and well...lots of undesirable things like and such as...

Or am I just prissy?

Maybe it's that. But I'm just not a way big fan of guys CREAMING cute fhe girls in a friendly game of dodge ball - ha ha!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am with ya! We couldn't get it below 80 until the AC guy came today and changed my life...

melissabastow said...

I don't know who The Weatherman is, but there is NO WAY you're even remotely close to his level of dorkiness.

Awesome about your guest post coming up. I'm already excited to read it.

Sara Waldron said...

I've never watched the Bachelor or anything like it until a couple of days ago, so its funny you bring it up. Um yes, the Weatherman is very awkward and no, you are nothing like him!
Too bad you guys couldn't have played running dodgeball or dodgeball on the trampoling. Those were the days...

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

You don't seem awkward on your blog so you're probably not awkward in real life. Or at least not as awkward as you think. But clearly I am awkward and shouldn't be saying anything at all.

We've been getting estimates for adding Central Air to our house. It's super pricey. But it will be nice to get the house below 80 in July, right?!

Can't wait to read your guest post. Will you post a link for those of us that are less computerly blessed? Not for me, of course, just the others....

wendy said...

very cool that you will be featured on Real World. You'll do a great job.
I haven't been watching the Bachlorette.
It has rained here for days....I'd DIE for some 80 degree weather right now. next week is supposed to be great though.

LisAway said...

You're cute. And I'm glad I'm not in your ward. :)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Guest blogging? You rock! Now, i NEED to get the tv hooked up so I can watch the Bachelorette

Cranberryfries said...

I love getting up early in the morning in the spring/summer too. It's nice to get so many things finished and think, 'what it's only 9am?' I love it.

That dodgeball story was funny.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

The Bachelorette is SO dorky but I love it! And the weatherman IS a goober, great word! I like the Robert-o dude. :)

Chief said...

seriously... I would totally get a broken nose if I played dodgeball

Im headed over to RWVM

Hoggards said...

Barbs, why did we never play dodgeball in high school?? Serious. It would've been so much fun! And seriously, I mowed my lawn the other night and totally got sore...that's lame.