Thursday, June 17, 2010

I Vote for More Power Outages

First off, this might be my new favorite version of one of my favorite songs: Listen to it while you read. I promise you'll like it.

I always think it's fun when the power goes out. Kinda exciting and such. It went out twice yesterday while I was at work. Listen, if the phones are down and I don't have to hear people whining at me, I'm not gonna complain.

Maybe one of my attorneys was super uptight about it, though. And made me call the phone company (pretty sure they knew the power was down). And when the power came back and the phones still weren't working? I had to call more people (if only power outages turned off cell phones as well). And maybe he pushed every single button under my desk trying to fix things and turned my computer off more than 3 times. Maybe I was laughing inside cuz I got a kick out of how uptight he was.

But really? It was nice to turn off technology for a minute. At work I always have things pulled up: my work website, my music, my email etc. It was nice to have it all go off, take a break, just talk face-to-face, and listen to the storm. We need more moments in life like that. I think.

P.S. For those of you who care (and really, who doesn't?), my living room is now TV free!! Wahoo!!


Camille said...

What a great thought.
Congrats on a TV free room (is it because you are now roommate free?)

Kristina P. said...

I don't mind the power going out at home, but not at work.

Oh, and then it's really awkward because you can hear the therapy sessions going on, because we can't turn on the radio or the white noise maker to drown it out.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You are my new hero! No TV! I have one, but there are cobwebs on it and I'm OK with that.

No technology. That sounds so great!
Except I wouldn't want to be at Kristina's place and listen to the therapy sessions.

I wish you would have videoed the uptight lawyer. It would have been a youtube hit!

CB said...

The uptight lawyer would have really made me laugh!
I love when the power goes out - especially at home when it is all stormy and thundery!
We had all our cable go out in the middle of the night so I have no TV or computer today (commenting from my phone hee hee) it's not so bad. I'm enjoying the quiet!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

That is hilarious! I love power outages too, but ONLY at night! :) I love flashlights and hanging out and just talking. It's fun! That song really is great!

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

Congratulations on the TV free living room. I'm hoping to join those ranks fairly soon. Did the roommate move out? I'm curiously nosy...

Am I totally weird that I wouldn't mind listening in on the therapy sessions. Just so I would know where I rank on the craziness scale. Of course, admitting that probably says that I'm at the crazier end of things.

rychelle said...

omg! i think this is my favorite version of this song ever!!! thanks for sharing it. :)

Adam and Lisa said...

3 Things:

Haha, yay for no tv!!!

I LOVE that song!


You are weird. Power outages scare me! Was it from a micro burst? Remember when that happened while we were at 7 Peaks??? Freaky!

Eternal Lizdom said...

Enjoying the song very much.

Some of our greatest family moments have come when our power went out- from candle light bath time to getting in pj's and going to hang out in the minivan to eat dinner at a local drive thru to reading books with flashlights. It was almost sad when the lights came back on!

Sara Waldron said...

I remember being so excited when the power went out once years ago during the winter and we made a fire and all lay out our sleeping bags in the living room.
The power going out wasn't quite as fun when I was babysitting though.

I'm glad your living room is TV free!

rocslinger said...

Nice song.

Some times it is good to slow down, unplug and hang out.

Technology is great and I for one am glad that I live now in a high technological age but sometimes it can distract and interfere with the things that are the most important, namley our relationships with other people and ourselves. Thankyou Barb.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I am glad you got your living room/tv thing worked out! Yeah! And thanks for offering to be my Magleby's chocolate cake buddy. You are awesome!

wendy said...

I am glad ---after all this time---you finally got your wish and the tv is OUT of the livingroom.
I think there needs to be a "gathering place" that has no tv.
Goes back to that whole technology thing you are talking about. We are so strapped to it that you can't even have a conversation with someone without the tv on, a cell phone ringing, a text coming through, call waiting, emails gets frustrating.
Whatever happened to just "being with and talking to" the people you are around without all the interuptions. Kinda sad.
Your attorney you work for sounds like my Judge that I wored for. Are they just naturally bred WIRED!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

We have been TV free for almost 2 years. I NEED it back!!

melissabastow said...

Yay for a tv free living room. A

nd yeah, turning off technology is great. I just wish I had the will power to do it without the loss of electrical power.

Kimberly said...

So, funny story. I was listening to Garth sing this and pushed pause to listen to the new song on your blog. Turns out it was the same song. Weird! ;) I really like this version. Thanks for sharing it. Also, thanks for your thoughts on the storm. I agree that we definitely need more moments like that.

Boy Mom said...

Love power outages! You're right it slows everything down and freezes it in a magical moment of no distractions.

I would love for the power to go out at the hospital...well except for the life support syst...never mind.

Power outages are especially cool during big, huge thunder storms.

Becky Dayton said...

I'm so happy your living room is TV free. Also I love it when the power goes out. Your experience with it does sound epic.

Hoggards said...

I too love when the power goes out, unless I'm in the shower or baking/cooking something! Love the dark with only flashlights or candles, and I especially love it when it's during a thunderstorm!
And nice job on winning the TV battle.

Connie said...

I'm lovin' the song! I don't mind the power going out but I don't like it when it comes back on, you fix the blinkin' clocks, then 5 minutes later, it goes out again! It did it 4 times the other day. I promise I wasn't as uptight as your boss.

Shelley said...

Wow you are very brave. I have the tv on all day even if I'm not watching it....hum...I have a problem. Maybe I should take a clue from you.

Deb said...

Love it, I'm the same way when the internet connection goes out. Rather than do something useful, exercise, or read a book, I'm fooling with the modem and wireless box, trying to make it come back on.

Mayhem and Moxie said...

I have long believed that there really is no point to working when the power is out. We are such an electronically driven world. What's the point? At my old job, all of the doors would automatically close and the air would go off too.

I hated it, BUT it was a good time to kick back and relax.


Alyson | New England Living said...

Lovely song! Thanks for posting it.

I love power outages, unless they are in the middle of the night. It freaks the kids out, and me too. There is something about being in complete dark that is so disconcerting. But during the day, as long as the day is not too hot, a good outage can be a lovely break.

Cynthia said...

I love it when it goes down at night and we have to whip out the flashlights and tell stories. Good times!

And you're right- I LOVE the song!

Random Forevers said...

hey barb - thanks for always commenting on my blog! and yes i would love any suggestions for books you have! and i also love the idea of a sleepover at YOUR house!