Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Computer Maintenance

Has anyone else ever had bugs living in their computer? I don't mean virus, robotic bugs. I mean real-life, six legs, antenna bugs. Seriously. I just had three (THREE!!!) crawl out of my computer! I'm grossed out. And freaked out. And my skin feels creepy crawly. And now I'll probly have horrid, yucky dreams.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? Is there a way to kill these bugs that doesn't involve taking a sledgehammer to my computer? As satisfying as that would feel, the aftermath of having lost pictures, documents and, oh yeah, an expensive computer, makes me rethink that solution.


*MARY* said...

I think your bugs are packing their bags right now and leaving. This post probably really offended them.

Cynthia said...

Dare I ask what kind of bugs? My Hubs likes all the weird cable shows and we recently watch 'verminators' (I think) and they said that bugs, particularly cockroaches, are attracted to the warm metal parts in things like computers, phones, the backside of refrigerators etc.

I'm grossed out just typing that but it's because I have the visual of thousands of cockroaches climbing around a kitchen from the Vex-con guys show rather than the couple that just evacuated your computer. Good luck with that!

LisAway said...

My husband served his mission in Chicago and every time they came home they smashed as many cockroaches as they could before they hid. His radio was completely full of them so they stuck it in a bag and put it in the freezer for a few days. I think when we were married you could still shake the thing and hear cockroach carcasses rattling around.

I'm sorry for you. You probably aren't going to stick your computer in the freezer. Good luck solving the problem. Ugh.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yuck. I am sure Cynthia is right about them being attracted to warmth. I am so easily freaked out by bugs that I might instinctively grab a can of bug killer and spray until I ruined the computer. Sorry.

val of the south said...

I'm with Kazzy on this one...ewwwwww!
I did just read that you can take it apart and vacuum it, or just try blowing the insides with the canned air duster stuff.
Good luck!!!

Kristina P. said...

It's not even 2012 yet!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Nasty! When we were in college, I was the RA over a cockroach infested building and the roaches LOVED microwaves. Nasty. Maybe just hold it on its side and shake it!

Smart Helm said...

Ew. Ew... even more ew!

I loved the title of this post.

Shelley said...

That freaks me out! How do you raid a computer?

TisforTonya said...

well, I'm officially creeped out - I would not recommend by Drano on the tub spider method - I am however going to start putting repellent on the edges of my desk.

and ewwww...

sorry, I know I'm not helpful - apparently I'm a wuss like that.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Uhm, ick.

I am off to use some RAID on my laptop.

CB said...

That is so weird! But I guess anything's possible, bugs are pretty much everywhere.
Did you kill them? Hopefully it was only the 3 taking a little vaca!!

Connie said...

I was going o type something long and brilliant but I don't want bugs crawling out of the keyboard! EW, do you want to hear something else that's gross? I was just eating a Take5 funsize candy bar and inside the candy was a long, grody hair and it wasn't mine! That's a weight loss plan if I've ever seen one!

Camille said...

I would suggest cleaning your house. A messy house is like a welcome mat to those little critters...and you being a single lady should have all the time in the world to be able to clean your house!
Maybe you should call the Orkin Man...and maybe he'll be hot. Probably not...but a girl with bugs coming out of her computer can't be too picky.

Camille said...

I hope I didn't offend cute nephew will be 16 next year if you need a date.

Boy Mom said...

Dude, that's so freaky! Now I'm suspiciously eying my computer. couldn't you use that can of dusting stuff it gets really cold and yet wouldn't harm your computer.

Unknown said...

@Cynthia and @Kazzy: attracted to warmth? That's just silly. The bugs aren't attracted to warmth, they're attracted to the data in your computer.

Slowly, the bugs are learning. They spend each night scouring your hard drive amassing knowledge about your habits and bug-killing tactics. Next time you try to kill them, they'll thwart your attempt -- and it won't be pretty.

Then, they'll reproduce. Their offspring will eventually inhabit your car stereo, your TV, your microwave and your iPod. You'll be jogging one day when they'll make their escape through the ear buds.

So the only solution is to get rid of the prize... or at least divert the bugs' attention. Find or purchase some USB drives and external hard drives. Download as much stuff as you can from the internet: all your friends' Facebook posts, as much of Flickr as you can muster and large chunks of Wikipedia. Then, after setting your browser to cache all data to the external drives, watch Hulu and YouTube non-stop. Once all the drives are filled, spray them with pesticides (the more toxic the better) and spread them throughout your house.

It's the only way to get rid of computer bugs.

Good luck.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

whaa...sick, huh?! It must be the weather. Get out the vacuum and suck away!

rocslinger said...

You need to open your computer and vacuum it out and use the compressed air or find a really good friend to do it.

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

I'm so totally creeped out by this that I can't even comment coherently.

Um...good luck?

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Okay weird, and NO that has never happened to me.


I had to look around my computer just to make sure!


Chief said...

OMW! I am dying right now.. I will never sleep with my puter again... our love life is over.

wendy said...

Well you have put a whole new light on computer bugs for sure.
SERIOUSLY...realy bugs.
I hate bugs.
Put a bug zapper by your computer and light a citronella candle and spray your computer with OFF

Anonymous said...

at least you don't have to send your computer away to get rid of those bugs! but yuck anyway!

Loralee and the gang... said...

Are they popping out of your keyboard, or your computer itself? Either way, maybe you could take the maintenance access panel off of it and use one of those cans of compressed air to knock them all out like you would with the dust...if your computer is like mine, amybe the bugs are growing in the dust inside the computer. But that could just be me...

Erin The Great said...

LOL! I'm sorry! That's sucks! I highly recommend that super cold spray duster stuff for laptops and Computers and a rubbing alcohol bath. The alcohol won't ruin your computer and will make it sterile enough for the bugs to vacate the premises. Good Luck!

Sara Waldron said...

That's pretty much disgusting. And creepy. Sorry!

Erin said...

Speaking of creepy crawly, I posted on my facebook status this morning that there was a spider nearly two inches in diameter sitting in between the shower curtain and liner, right at the level of my face, as I turned the shower on for my son this morning. I STILL have the heebie jeebies thinking about it.