Wednesday, July 28, 2010

24th of July

Last weekend I headed to my favorite place on earth (besides my own home town), Cokeville. It's a mini-town in Wyoming where my dad grew up and where I've spent all but two Pioneer Days in my entire life.

We started out Friday night with a BBQ out at the ranch...but I have no pictures of that. Suffice it to say, there were s'mores and that's all that matters when it comes to BBQ's.

Saturday morning, early morning, was the David Dayton Memorial 5K Fun Run. Although the term "fun run" is a complete oxy-moron, it was great being with so much family. Below is the picture of all the David Dayton relatives that ran the race. The race official was yelling out directions and no one was paying attention (cuz it's impossible to get lost on a course with zero turns) and so finally just shot off the gun before anyone was even lined up! I'd like to blame the fact that I never found a good pace on the surprise start, not on the junk food I ate the night before.

At 10:00, the best parade in the world starts. It goes up and down main street, and takes 20 minutes tops. And there's TONS of candy! Here we are waiting for the Grand Marshall to get things started.

More of my nieces and nephews waiting.

This float has 4 generations on it---beginning with my 100 year old Grandma. She's the one waving under the very large umbrella.

That afternoon was the Family Flag Football Tournament. Daytons won---because they are awesome. There may have been another team that actually won overall, but I can't remember...

My brother took everyone out to the ranch later that night to set off his homemade bomb. I missed the event...but I hear it wasn't quite as great as anticipated. But hey, at lest the kids waiting are cute, right?

It's a great event. The best things about it are the fact that it brings SO much family together and it's always the same. Right down to the town dinner on Saturday---it's been roast, dutch oven potatoes, cole slaw and cupcakes my whole life.

There's nothing like a celebration in a small town.


Page said...

The one 24th of July I spent in Cokeville was the best one of my life! May we come with you one year??? And what about the rodeo?

Kristina P. said...

Cokeville is really a place? Is Lindsay Lohan the mayor?

e. said...

Why do you torture me this way? I do have to point out that you missed 3 very important parts of Doing Cokeville: 1) The "Crik", 2) Going visiting and getting food at all the houses, and 3) Uncle Tom. Oh, and I love that I used to frequent Cokeville back in my glory days during High School. Who knew?

LisAway said...

Sounds like the very definition of tradition. Awesome!

Boy Mom said...

Those are some cute little waiters. Small towns are the best.

Karen Mello Burton said...

That looks so fun! You guys kinda took over, huh? :)

Becky Dayton said...

Oh my goodness I'm so sad that I missed another one. I'm pretty sure I've missed the last 3, maybe 4. I will repent. Hopefully next year. Looks like tons of fun, even the run which I'm pretty sure my sisters would've slaughtered me in!

TisforTonya said...

sounds like a fun one - I love celebrations in small towns, they're SO much better - in big towns they usually don't even throw candy from the floats so my kids never want to go.

Your word verifier is very complimentary this morning - "rateda" - guess you get an A for this post!

Emily said...

I really love that your Grandma rode on the float. I'll bet she's a great lady. I'm so glad that you had another great year with all the fam!

Smart Helm said...

Totally jealous. I didn't even realize it was the 24th weekend until my sister told me not to speed on the way up to Provo because all the cops were out for the holiday!

Still jealous.

rocslinger said...

You can keep New York and LA, small towns know how to party.

Nana said...

I'm glad to know there are other families that have their own homemade bombs.

Ever been to Atlantic City Wyoming?

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Fun run? Oxy moron? Whatevs!!! It does look like a good time though!

CB said...

Man if I would have known that there was a place called Cokeville when I was addicted to Coke for 30 years I might be living there today! O.M.GOSH!! Makes you wonder if there is a Dr. Pepperville - but I digress.
Looks like Ya'all know how to party there - Very fun pictures!!

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

SO awesome! Sounds like my hubby's fam and their infatuation with Soda Springs, ID. Every year, tiny town, same traditions, so fun! LOVED your pics! :)

Connie said...

What a blast!! I'm with you on the "fun" run! Boys and their homemade fireworks/bombs! What's up with that? Cute nieces and nephews! Cokeville is a happenin' place!

Sara Waldron said...

Being anywhere besides Cokeville on the 24th is totally depressing. And last year it seemed so weird without you there- glad we got to both be there this year! The pic of your nieces and nephews is way cute. Which reminds me- either Chrissy or Heather have a great picture at the BBQ of you and Chrissy eating hotdogs and laughing- very attractive of both of you!