Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Because Valentine's Day is FUN!

I think Valentine's Day gets a bad rap. People waste too much energy being angry at cupid when really they should be directing their anger towards St. Patrick. I don't care if you're single, married, 5 or 55, it's a great holiday and if you don't believe me then you need to move out from underneath your rain cloud.

You know what Valentine's Day means? An excuse to give someone you love something sweet. How is that a bad thing? Or how about special holiday candy. You don't have to be dating anyone to appreciate that. It's the best time of year for cheesey romantic comedies which are high on my list of things I love. Very high. It results in magnified colors of red whever you go. Red is beautiful and makes the world prettier.

And finally, my family happens to have the best two traditions for Valentine's in the whole world. First, my mom's side of the always mails Valentine's to each other (all pictures below come from the 80s, hence the awesome style).

I loved getting the family chains and personalized cards with school pictures and seeing them on the bulletin board all month.

My older brother and I were the only ones home my senior year of high school. He didn't want to participate in the family card making so as a joke (and cuz it was easy), I mailed out an old picture of the two of us in our jammies to the family.

That was the year we got more compliments on our card than ever before.

Even better is our family treasure hunt. I don't love this because it results in presents at the end (although I'm not complaining about that) but because of the competition. Racing around the house trying to beat my brothers to the finish line, hearing each other yell about how there is only ONE blue cupboard in the house and it's not there!!, or they checked all the horizontal mirros and didn't find anything!!, taking perverse pleasure in the fact that there have been angry tears as a result of not finding clues (sadly, I have no pictures of that), or getting locked in the garage...some of my best memories come from Valentine's Day treasure hunts. (And yes, Mom and Dad, this is my not-so-subtle hint that despite my age I'm still expecting a treasure hunt this year.)

If you're not looking forward to this day, then find someone you love and figure out something, big or small, that they'll appreciate to make their day better. I promise it'll be worth it.


Emily said...

Those are some great traditions. I also love Valentine's Day. I have my Dove chocolates and about 5+ movies waiting on the DVR to enjoy. I figure the only person who can make it difficult on you is you, so choose to make it fun and easy, just like you said!

Kristina P. said...

I feel "Meh" about Valentines. I could take it or leave it. Every day is Valentine's Day at our house. Mow chicka mow wow!

Chrissy said...

I love that tradition that was started with the mailing of the Valentines! We did it this year for A & L's cousins, and it was just so fun. Also, I have to say the extra chocolate isn't a bad byproduct of the holiday (esp. sales afterwards!) And I think you have inspired me to get a good chick flick and make/beg Kevin watch it with me that night! Thanks!!!

Karen E. said...

I like your traditions but I still don't like Valentine's Day. Or as I call it, Single Awareness Day.

CB said...

I LOVE Valentines day! These traditions look so fun. I really like the family valentine idea - right up my alley with the pictures hanging up all month.
And that picture of you and your brother is stinkin WAY cute!!!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Very darling picture of you and your brother.
What a great tradition.

All of the pix are cute ones!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Reading this makes me feel bad that I haven't done anything remotely close to this for my kids. Way to go to you mom and dad.

Nana said...

I love it too. I just make cookies for the fam and friends. Let's them know I am thinking about them.

Smart Helm said...

Those are some awesome traditions... family memories are the best. I'll have to think of something cool to do this Valentines day as you suggested. Mm...

TisforTonya said...

I just spent my day shopping for goodies to sent along with the cards we made for missionaries, parents, and grandparents...

that is usually the extent of our tradition - well, aside from the treats the parents leave for the kids.

Littlest told me that she thought Cupid brought the goodies and not us... which means we need to make it a little more fun and borrow some of your traditions - which I love almost as much as that jammies picture :)

LisAway said...

I love your perspective! And those traditions! I'm going to have the kids decorate cookies (how creative!) but didn't have anything else planned. I think maybe I'll try a treasure hunt...

Unknown said...

I love that tradition! I may just have to steal it and send Valentines out for the first time since I was... like, eight. Family traditions are the best!

wendy said...

You have such a great family unit. LOVE IT.
I always loved the valentines cards my grandma sent me in the mail back when I was a little girl. I have saved some of pretty.

Heidi said...

What totally fun traditions! We always did a valentines box and it was very fun. Loved it.

Adam and Lisa said...

Those pictures bring back great memories--and I totally remember that old picture you sent out! We have been carrying along the tradition in my family, and I love it. Good memories! Oh, and good luck on your hunt!!!

sara said...

Amen. I've only had 4 Valentine's days that I've been in a relationship, but I've never thought it was depressing or "Singles awareness day" I love that tradition of sending those valentines, I'm going to have to come up with something similar for my kids so they don't grow up hating on the day we're supposed to love.

Sara Waldron said...

I'm sure you've mentioned it before, but I totally forgot your family does the treasure hunt- how fun! I'd love to hear more details sometime. And I love the pictures- I always looked forward to getting them from all the cousins!

susan said...

I agree, Valentines Day rocks. because,well...Heart shaped Sugar Cookies! Yum! Where do you live? I'll hide some on your front porch ;)

Connie said...

Love the homemade cards! I try not to deposit my money in the retail bank for Valentine's Day but I still love it, especially since I work at an elementary school. Now that's where Valentine's Day is celebrated!

Karen Mello Burton said...

You rock, Barb. What a great attitude! A day that is all about love should never be hated.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Wow, that does sound awesome. I am all about the scavenger hunts! You must tape this years, or at least take pics, so we can all share in the fun!