Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just Some Stuff From This Weekend

Everyone should get Christmas vacations as awesome as our family's.
-With matching jammies (that we wear for 48 hours straight).

-And me fitting into a seven-year old's boots and looking super glamorous.

-And a counter full of junk food.

-And 3 really cute nephews.

-Card games. (That I always win.) (Don't be mad.)

-And hot tubs in the freezing cold outdoors.

Hope you're having a Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Song Questions

How exactly do Eskimos frolic and play?

What is the Feast of Steven?

Why are we telling scary ghost stories during Christmas?

Why is Michael Buble singing Santa, Buddy?

Does anyone else realize that Baby, It's Cold Outside is kind of a sketchy song?

Who is Jeanette, Isabella?

Did anyone else think it was "Troll the ancient yuletide carol," when they were little?

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Sometimes I try to turn my car off before I put it in park.
Sometimes I buy an entire book of music in order to get one song.
Sometimes my mom finds my dad's old banjo and before she can sell it I decide I want to take banjo lessons.
Sometimes I use my GPS if I'm more than 20 miles from home. Okay-that's all the time.
Sometimes I wish it were appropriate to wear pajamas to work.
Sometimes I think I want to try bikram yoga even though I actually loathe and despise yoga.

What do you do sometimes?

Also, December is my favorite month.