Tuesday, January 24, 2012

It's National Peanut Butter Day!!

I'm trying to figure out how to celebrate. Reese's peanut butter cups, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, peanut butter and celery? Probly just a straight spoonful of peanut butter from the jar. Crunchy, of course.

Also, I've been thinking lately that it might be really boring to be a baby. I mean, they can't do anything but lie down. Maybe sit up if someone is willing to hold them that way. What if they're thinking, "Man, if I could just lift my head up things would be SO much better!!" Or, "I want to stretch my legs, but they just keep going back into the frog leg position."

Or maybe they don't care.

And another thing. Captain Crunch cereal tastes really good if you just eat it dry. But it's not so good with milk. Why is that? It rips your mouth to shreds either way you eat it, though.


kwistin said...

1. WHAT. this morning, i didn't have time to put my peanut butter in my morning smoothie. i felt weird about it...now i know why.

2. after babysitting my nephew this past weekend, i was wondering the same sorts of things; thanks for bringing this to light.


Karen Mello Burton said...

OK, I LOLed at the mix of ideas in this post. Ha!

ps Holy smokes, do I love peanut butter!

Smart Helm said...

Oh man, thanks for bringing this to my attention. Now I can eat my reese's today with less guilt...

Becky Dayton said...

Love peanut butter so much. I celebrated with a classic PB&J and Reeses and I didn't even know it was a holiday!

wendy said...

Heck, I did not know it was national peanut butter day.
Did you know 1 TBS has 90 calories. ONE.
that is criminal, cause I love peanut butter too.
I like to spread some on my bananas.

gosh, I've had 5 kids and never did stop to think they were bored, and wanted to stretch..(tee,hee)

Cynthia said...

I like the way you deal with the REAL issues in life! How best to celebrate Peanut Butter day is a really important thing- I hope you chose well!

Also- I hate Captain Crunch because of the mouth shredder thing but I hate Grapenuts even more- breaks your teeth and for no good reason, there isn't even a sugary reward for the effort!

Heather Dayton said...

Too bad I didn't see this until today. I would have eaten a lot more peanut butter yesterday. :)

I think it only makes sense that babies get bored - it is motivation for them to roll over and lift up that head. :P

Sara Waldron said...

I'm a day late, but I just now ate a Reese's to celebrate. Is there a National Chocolate Day?
Sometimes I think it would be marvelous to be a baby- lie there with nothing pressing to do. It would probably be fun for about 5 minutes.

elesa said...

crap. I missed it. I would totally have gotten on board.

I used to think babies had it so easy, and why couldn't they see how great their lives were and just stop crying already? But now I know that they are crying because their life sucks! They can't do anything, no one understands them, they don't understand anyone else and the whole world is so big and confusing! I wouldn't be a baby for anything.

sara said...

I'm a creamy peanut butter girl. I just can't stand the little bits of peanuts that get stuck in my teeth.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I hope you sang a song to Peanut Butter Day. I'm sure it would have been good.

I think I ate PB cups all day....I'm not lying about that either.

There are lots of cereals that shred your mouth. Lemon heads do too. Just in case you wanted to know.

CB said...

Have to admit I LOVE Peanut Butter Captain Crunch in milk. When you put a big spoonful in your mouth the milk kind of sucks through the cereal making a peanut butter milkshake on your tongue. LOVE - Hee Hee Try it!

Charlotte said...

The worst part of being a new born is waiting a whole year (or two) before tasting peanut butter.

Connie said...

Crunchy is the best! Cap'n Crunch is a mouth destroyer, for sure! Love your randomness!