I have a cankle.
But just one. And I don't like it.
It all started a few months back when I rolled my ankle during soccer---and it swelled (swolled?) up like a big balloon. Well, it went back down to the size of a smaller balloon, and now that's how it remains. I mean, we're talking about six months ago. Why's it still big? Why do my legs have to be uneven now? It looks funny.
So today, I was playing soccer again, and I got kicked on the other side of my ankle. So, now my already-bigger-than-the-normal-size-ankle, is bigger. And I bet it's permanent, too. Dang soccer. If I didn't think it was the best sport ever in the whole world, I'd hate it.
So, does anybody know how to un-swell ankles? Or, if you have general un-swelling advice I supposed I could apply it to other areas of my body that may not have been injured but are larger than I would prefer.
the only advice I have is to wrap it and elevate it, but I am sure you have done those things already! good luck with that :)
Same exact thing happened to me in college - except it was basketball. I kept playing on my swollen ankle for like a year and a half because it didn't really hurt very bad, and it just stayed weird looking. When I finally went to the doctor, they said all that playing on it had done continuous damage to the tendons and things in there, and it may not ever look normal again. I had to wear an ankle brace for awhile (the spiffy lace-up velcro ones that fit nicely in a regular shoe), and always have to wear one if I play.
Since your injury is so recent, you should be wearing a brace during the day, and icing your ankle every night. And any time you notice that dull ache when you've been walking around or whatever, you should put a brace on.
So, if you want a nice little ankle back, get a brace and ice it every day. It took mine about six years to get mostly normal because I abused it so bad.
Good luck:)
by baby has major cankles. I sadly do not know the remedy.
Just roll your other ankle. Voila!
i'm afraid i don't have any advice.
but, have you seen that commercial for the wireless printer where the granma says "your metaphor is cutting into my cankles"? it's really funny!
(the commercial. not your cankle)
I'm pretty sure that if you are playing soccer then you should definitely be calling me to play!!! Sorry about the ankle. Those are the worst.
I am also for filling out the other ankle to match--way easier. And yeah, do you feel like marrying someone who will live in my stake so that you can be my pianist? ;) You ARE a rock star, after all.
Bummer about the cankle (right up there in the funniest words ever!)
One time Nick's knee was swollen for a long time. He finally went to the doctor, who stuck a needle under his knee cap and sucked out all the fluid. Not what you wanted to hear? Well, at least now maybe a little fatter ankle isn't sounding so bad?
Yikes! So I either roll my other ankle, remove fluid with a needle, ice/wrap it for six year, or deal with a deformed body. I'm not loving these options.
Just wait til one day your pregnant and you're swollen all over for 9 months!
lol--everyone has already suggested my remedies! That post was hilarious though! :)
Well, let me see, in all my experience....nope, don't know! I honestly don't think it is that bad. You were showing me on Sunday, but frankly I just wasn't seeing much!! You don't have a kankle.
Holy cow! Six months?! Just another reason why I don't do sports! :-)
I'm looking forward to reading your postings that I missed while I was disconnected from the world!
sorry about the ankle ... best advice: pray. wait. play soccer again. :)
My advice, come up with a great story - one that will leave them in such awe that they will have totally forgotten about the ankle altogether!!!
I have a calfigh - a calf-thigh. (no knees - I really am a medical marvel...)
I have a calfigh - a calf-thigh. (no knees - I really am a medical marvel...)
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