Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm Glad That I'm Omnivorous

I'm 90% carnivorous. That other 10% is made up of some fruits and vegetables, and cereal. Mmm, cereal.

A few years ago my cousin unintentionally taught me a song he learned in preschool as he was wandering around my house. It goes like this:
Herbiverous, Carniverous, I'm glad that I'm omniverous.
That herbivores like plants to eat
The carnivores they just eat meat
But I eat both and so you see (and hold that last note out a long time for effect....)
Omniverous is fine with me.

Yesterday, my sister-in-law had a birthday which was very clever of her, I thought. To celebrate we went to Tucanos. I can't think of anything that makes me happier than all-you-can-eat meat! Seriously, my plate was 90% meat, but of course I couldn't skip out on the pineapple, friend bananas (I needed my fruit for the day) or cheese balls.

So here's a question for you: If you had to choose between chicken or beef for the rest of your life, which would you choose? For me there's no question---I love food from cows! Chicken may be more versatile, but without beef we couldn't have hamburgers! Which negates the necessity of fries and milk shakes. We couldn't have Sunday roast---eliminating the need for mashed potatoes and corn. Or flank steak, which will be the highlighted food at my birthday dinner this Sunday. Seriously, if there's not beef in Heaven, I'm not sure I want to go.


Camille said...

I usually go for chicken, especially if it's prepared by chick-fil-a, but your description of meat has me hankering for a filet mignon with a side of couscous and a tall glass of raspberry lemonade.

TisforTonya said...

I have to admit that the FLAVOR of the beef is my fave... but my body much prefers when I eat chicken, turkey, or fish...

stupid body - messing up my food enjoyment on a daily basis!

Becky said...

My first thought was to go with chicken, cuz my family eats a lot of it, but then you brought up burgers. Oh, burgers... How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Yeah, I'm with you. If Heaven has chicken but I can get a good juicy burger in Hell, I'm goin' south, baby!

LaurieJ said...

I am not a huge fan of chicken. I am a beef girl. I could eat it breakfast, lunch, and dinner!

Heidi said...

When I was your age I would have said beef (I was still having Sunday pot roast at my mom's every week--yum!) but as I get older, I can tolerate beef less and less. Since I eat chicken pretty much every day and it can be flavored in so many ways, I'm going to have to go with the chicken. You look like you haven't eaten much of anything in your life! Oh, to have your metabolism!

Kristina P. said...

I am totally with T. I LOVE a good burger and steak, but chicken is more versatile.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

Amen Sister.. Amen!!!

But I'd have to choose chicken... I can eat that more often and harder to screw up when you cook it!

MakingChanges said...

AMEN! LOVE Tucanos. Seriously- everytime I go (which really has only been twice- I know, what in the what!) I stuff myself silly then suffer from meat sweats for hours after. Totally worth it!

Ummm, I choose both. I eat chicken more regularly but I love beef and whenever I go out to eat I have to get some sort of cow-produced product.

rychelle said...

to the dismay of my cattle ranching family, i prefer chicken.
in fact, i could probably become a vegetarian, if it weren't for chicken.

Unknown said...

Woah, woah, woah... I don't like the picture of a hamburgerless world you paint.

Chicken is where it's at, followed by pig meat followed by cow meat.

Hoggards said...

Wow. Tough choice! I would've said chicken, but you made me rethink that with the hamburgers and roast! Yumminess! I'm hungry now!
P.S. I hope you have a fabulous b-day on Sunday!

LisAway said...

How cute are YOU? ;)

Chicken. (with Ziti and Broccoli. :)

Tiffany said...

I agree with Camille. I was for sure going to say chicken, but you might have swayed me to the red meat side! delicious! and I feel good about you having a birthday soon.

Karen Mello Burton said...

LOL Loved the need for hamburgers to justify fries and a shake. I love me a good cheeseburger every now and again.

Mmmm, I might have to say beef just from your valid argument there!

Erin said...

I'm with Rychelle. I'm not really a meat eater. But I would choose chicken.

Boy Mom said...

yummm! MEAT! I don't know if I could choose between chicken and Cow, I know I could live with out pig though...wait, then there would be no Chicken Cordon Blue. Dang, I could give up green peppers?

R Allen said...

I like shellfish. I already know they have oysters in heaven. My grandmother would never have died otherwise.

Just SO said...

I'm going along with the beef. Because I do love me some steak and burgers.

Callie Thurell said...

Definetly BEEF!!! Oh and by the way - I am very happy that you left pork off the list. I HATE PORK!!!

Becca said...

I'm a chicken kind of girl!

Loralee and the gang... said...

Not me! I'm definitely a chicken woman! Sweet & Sour, Orange, Cashew, all those dishes don't sound so good to me unless they follow "Chicken". But you can eat the beef - then there'll be plenty of chicken for me!

The Jessee Journal said...

HA! Come over to my house -- we eat wheat pasta, beans and rice, and ... more beans and rice ... perhaps some tuna here and there :) You would LOVE it! ;)

J. Baxter said...

Where's the pork?!! I cannot live without pork roast, pork stew, and most importantly pork blade steak. With a little pulled pork thrown in on the side.

But between chicken and beef, I'm with you on the beef thing. And anyone who says chicken is more versatile, didn't raise beef, and doesn't get a freezer full of hamburger from her parents every year. I can do a million things with hamburger.

And now I'm hungry. Thanks.

Cajoh said...

Go Meat Meat Meat… Go Meat Meat Meat…

Love that commercial and know that I tend to eat a lot of meat. Love beef and know that there are a lot more cuts to choose from. Don't know if I would want to give up my side of bacon though…

JD said...

You're on the right track with beef, no doubt about it. But what about bacon? That could stir up quite the debate.

Either way, you are in good standing, as every man likes a woman who enjoys a burger or filet mignon.

Anonymous said...

Growing up in a dairy community, it was almost sacrilegious to discover that I was lactose intolerant. We had these huge billboards all over town with Clo the Cow and this cute little witty sayings like, "Look at the Cows....Out Standing in their Field"

Beef is my chocolate. I can't live without a good hunk of steak now and then!

Deb said...

Chiming in late to cast my voice for the cow. There is very little that can't be improved with the flavor of beef.

Here's a tip: when you're making instant mashed potatoes, put a beef bullion cube in the water and use some sour cream with the butter instead of straight butter. Yum. my.

Bonnie said...

I must say barbaloot-I have never seen a blog with so many comments. What a compliment to you! I hardly ever get comments. Once I posted about how I never get them. Everyone tells me I need to be more of a exciting blogger...I need to start listening. Way cute blog. Bonnie(erics wife).

wendy said...

It's all about the BEEF. Love it and all your reasons are spot on. I could NEVER be a vegetarian -- I am sure God knows we need meat in heaven ---to go with those fries, and all that other good stuff you mentioned. Wait, what if we don't need to eat in heaven -------THAT'S ANOTHER REASON I AM AFRAID OF DIEING.

April said...

I steal my hubby's fries all the time when I eat chicken! Enjoy your beef now. You may be like others on here and not be able to tolerate it when you are more "mature". :)

Camille said...

You're a WINNER, no must come and choose your CD (details on my blog) and then email me with your address.

Camille said...

email me at cmMachen at

Under A Lilac Tree. said...

Beeeeef for the wiiinnn!
Yo, spaghetti bolognese is the best thing bext to life.
This is a really cute and funny blog, I love it.
And I certianly have to check out whatever Tucanos is...=).

melissabastow said...

So like if the devil is going, "Barbalooooooot, look at all of my cows.....they are very juicy. And I have potatoes....and a chocolate shake machine. Commit a sin and eat my cows for Eternity!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha." You'd be like, "Ok, sure." ???????? Because if that's the case, I choose chicken.

Shelley said...

I would probably choose chicken too, sorry. But it's not to say I don't like beef. IN FACT, I just packed a half a cow fresh from the butcher, into my freezer this past friday. Stop by and you can have the cow of your choice!

Buffy Dayton said...

Okay, seriously, that is a pretty tough question for me.....flank steak was SOOOOOOO good today, but I am such a chicken girl...I choose both!!!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Well, since I haven't eaten beef in 10 years (besides a bit when pregnant) I would go with chicken.
Oh, my... off to pry my 2 year old off my 6 year old.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

BEEF! It is what's for dinner at my house...and I am also very glad to read at yours, Barbaloot. Who are all these people who are on the chicken team anyhow?

May I add an additional item to your list? Carne asada. Mmmm...


Lara Neves said...

I really love chicken, but I actually think I might have to go with beef, simply because there is more variety with it! Not a ton of chicken variety, unfortunately.

Camille said...

Hey,just sent out your cd today, sorry it took so long. I hope you like it!

Alyson | New England Living said...

Since my husband is deathly allergic to chicken, I think I'd have to stick with beef! Though, I'm not much of a lover of meat.

Brittany Ann said...

I agree with you. Beef. Plus, there's so much that comes from a cow. Hamburger, steaks, ribs, roast, my goodness, the list goes on. Beef, all the way.

annie valentine said...

I have sad, sad news. I will be in Florida this week for the finale so no party. I am SO SAD. I have honestly been looking forward to this for a ridiculously long time.

Next season?