Monday, May 11, 2009

Remember When I Used to Blog?

Yeah. I remember that, too. And then one day, I ran out of things to blog about. Bummer. If you have questions, topics, suggestions etc. feel free to send them my way as I could use them. I'm an open book. Or maybe a semi-open book. Keep in mind that this is a family blog. And by that, I mean my family (parents, siblings, cousins...) reads this and I will be disinclined to acquiesce to any request that could be incriminating. Incriminating about me, I mean. I'm happy to incriminate others if that's what it takes.


melissabastow said...

Question: If you were stranded - not an island in the middle of the ocean or anything, let's say you're stranded in the walmart parking lot in New Hampshire perhaps - and the only way to survive was to do some sort of ritualistic dance (that probably involved a lot of hopping and arm flapping) for some unknown reason -other than it would save you, which is the biggy here- would you do it? Keeping in mind that the walmart parking lot of New Hampshire town is probably just as crowded as any other walmart parking lot and therefore your dancing will probably be seen by lots of people (and security cameras.)

Kristina P. said...

Hey, I just realized I haven't seen you around at all!

Here's my question: If your ex-best friend tried to kill you, is it OK to punch him in the face until you break his nose, if your name is something like Mack Dauer?

mile191 said...

I love words...

Camille said...

I would like to know more about the REAL Barbaloot, I want the neety greety. Please expand on what life was for little baby Barbaloot, what obstacles in life she had to face (ex. club foot, cleft pallate, speach impendiment, narcisism, klepto, double chin, flabby torso, school nerd, etc.) to become the Barbaloot we all love and adore.

Cajoh said...

OK, here are a few.

Life's journey… how did you get to where you are now, and where do you want to go next.

Barbaloot… where did you get such a clever nickname and do you have others that can be mentioned as well.

Why do you write… pretty self explanatory, but it is always interesting to know why people choose to write and why they choose this medium known as blogging to do so.

Jokes… know any good jokes— now's the time to tell.

sara said...

Sorry, I've been struggling for something to blog about as well. I did think of you the other day because now that I've started my new job, I start later and have time to go running in the morning. (I'm way out of shape... in fact, I think my body doesn't actually know what shape it's supposed to be)
I thought of you since you're a runner and I'm definately not!

rychelle said...

obviously i'll be no help, since i too, have lost blogging motivation. :(

but, you could post some pictures of hot soccer dudes. i'm sure your father/cousins/nephews wouldn't mind.

TisforTonya said...

I say we go shoe shopping together and blog about how many character shoes we can find to fit our feet! Obviously I'm in a little slump as well :)

Hoggards said...

Goodness, I never thought this day would come barbs! You were bringing it real good for as long as I can remember! :) I know you have a about that! Talk about the things you hear as your standing in the grocery store lines, the weird people you see, things you remember from high school, awesome/crazy things you do with your family! You're super interesting, even if you think that things that happen to you aren't interesting I'm sure you could come up with an interesting way to write it....and we would all love it!

Anonymous said...

Every time I get in a slump, I start browsing other blogs from total strangers and usually some topic or another pops into my head. But every once in a while, LIFE happens, and you get distracted from blogging! Story of my life!

Heidi said...

How did you get started running? Or is that too boring? You're just so darn cute, I doubt anything you talked about would be boring . .

Karen Mello Burton said...

I don't really know you, but how about a memory from childhood? Or how about something fictional to get the creative juices flowing?

I hate when the well dries up like that.

Buffy Dayton said...

um, why don't you blog about how cute my kids are, or maybe something about freaking p90x and yoga.

Erin said...

Why don't you discuss how much piano you had to practice to make you as good as you are today.

And what would be your dream calling in church?

And what's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

Sara Waldron said...

Please just put on a video of you doing lambie hops.

Other ideas: you could write about our club (I forget what we called it- something with double D or something); quotes from favorite movies (no, you just play it on the plano); favorite trips (our big trip when we turned 16...oh wait, that never happened); favorite moments with beloved cousin Sara (you could include the story about taking out the trash in Cokeville - ha ha). Is that helpful?
I really do enjoy reading your blog posts by the way!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

My question is this... if you could be stranded on an island (no its not like the first comment) with ANY cast of TV show characters... who would the be???

Me... probably the OFFICE. :)

Debbie said...

I hate that coming up dry feeling. And I get it all the darn time! I hope the other people who left ideas will get you back in the groove.

That Girl said...

I'm all about embarrassing moments - then I don't feel alone in publishing mine.

And possibly your shoes size, just for fun.

wendy said...

sometime we do just get in such a FUNK --just let your life experiences be your guide (ick, that sounded dumb) Tell us about your scarriest dream, your greatest fear, someplace that had you laughing, when you shouldn't have been, caught in a lie----------

Deb said...

Talk about careers you would try if you could. I'd love to try fashion design, but I don't sew and I'm shaped like an apple. Wait, maybe I'll do that one.

No, you can have it.

MakingChanges said...

Oh, oh, I have one. Pick mine~! Since we bonded (sorta) over blind date stories I wanna hear the worst blind date(s) you have ever been on.

Adam and Lisa said...

How about the fact that you may or may not have a crazy new calling?

Under A Lilac Tree. said...

Do you think a man exists with his genitals where his behind should be, and vice versa?
....I always wondered this. I mean, would he be able to bed?! O_o.

Becca said...

I think you should blog about how much you really really love to run!

Air Jordan said...

Nice blog.Now,from your blog,I know something others. thanks.Let's keep in touch.