Sunday, May 24, 2009


Okay, so nobody asked what my plans were for Saturday, May 23rd, but I'm telling you what I did anyway. The five gorgeous girls in this picture are my nieces and they were all baptized together on Saturday.
The oldest one turned 8 just six months ago and she waited for the other girls to turn 8 so they could all be baptized together. I hope their moms don't mind me putting a picture of them on my blog...but since they don't read my blog, I'm not gonna bother asking. The girls were all so excited to be doing this together. When I was 8, I waited two months for my cousin's birthday so we could be baptized together as well and it is still a great memory for me. I hope they always remember this day and have good memories from it.

It was a wonderful event and I had a lot of fun spending time with family. This is a picture of me with my 13 and 11 year old nieces---that are taller than me. Not cool. But hey, maybe when they grow out of those dresses they'll hand them down to me cuz I thought they were really cute and I want one, too.


Kristina P. said...

That is so cool that they were all baptized together! And your nieces are beautiful.

Camille said...

Were you wearing your hot red high heels with that outfit?
Your nieces are really cute.

Erin said...

How fun to be baptized with cousins! And I love the dress you have on, as well as the ones your nieces are wearing.

Deb said...

I had a wonderful, thoughtful comment that didn't take, so here's try #2.

Wow, what lovely girls. All of you. Congratulations on having such a great family!

TisforTonya said...

such Fun! I've been debating how long to wait with my daughter next year (whose cousins are 1 mo. older and 2 mo. younger...)

isn't it fun to get hand-me-ups? Of course, usually they're at least 12 before they start handing stuff down, ermmm, Up to me... (and then only the shoes fit...) I got some great stuff from a 14 year old neighbor a few years back :)

TisforTonya said...

and might I mention that you look way cute too - obviously the nieces take after you!

Emily said...

I'm actually in love with YOUR dress! You look really good in purple.

MakingChanges said...

So fun! I would have loved to grow up with cousins my age. The only one that was about the same age lived 3 states away.

Loralee and the gang... said...

What beautiful girls in perfect white baptism dresses! And what great memories they will have!

Anonymous said...

That is a very sweet picture of the five of them -- I remember getting baptized with twenty five other kids from my stake, and we never got a picture of all of us together, but I remember the baptism taking about two hours just to get everybody wet!

melissabastow said...

I had to wait 2 months to be baptized, but it was because I was really sick that year (tonsilectomy...pnemonia...STUFF.) But it was cool because when I finally was baptized it was the on the same day as a couple of my friends. Not as cool as cousins, but still not too shabby.

Hoggards said...

Crazy! All 5 at once? Must have a big family! :) And that pic of you with your two nieces....You are so beautiful Barbs!

J. Baxter said...

Okay, you're kind of adorable in that picture - just so you know. And having all the girls get baptized together is such a cool idea. Have a great rest-of-the-weekend!

rychelle said...

what a great experience to share with your cousins.

btw, i love YOUR dress.

Sara Waldron said...

That is so awesome about your cute neices. And I must say I feel quite privileged that you waited for me so we could be baptized together. Did I ever thank you for that? If not, thanks!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

What a special memory to share! They all look so darn adorable!

Becky said...

How cool is that? Wait, I know! Super duper extra cool!! Congrats to all those lovely girls.

Becca said...

That is too sweet. I think that their baptisms will be so much more memorable because they did it together.

And if it makes you feel better, I'm short too! But my nieces are all too young to be taller than me...yet.

sara said...

That's really cute that they were all baptized together. What a special day!

Shelley said...

I can hardly believe there are five girls the same age. I'm one of 11 and I don't think that has ever happened in that quantity. I think the most we've seen at one time was three, and there was a mix of girls and boys.
Your nieces must just love you! I bet you are the coolest aunt.

wendy said...

That is just really neat---how fun for them and they are so dang cute. You don't look any older then your 13 and 11 year old neices. what's up with that.
I was baptized on Halloween eve/afternoon -------that could explain alot of things actually.

Debbie said...

I meant to ask what you were doing that day!
Seriously, the girls are gorgeous! Congrats.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I guess when you have 57 brothers you have a high chance of having 5 nieces the same age. Beautiful!

Heidi said...

Hee hee--you're so funny and cute! How wonderful for the cousins to be able to have that kind of experience. Every single one of my kids has no cousins their age except for a branch of the family that lives in another state. So sad.

mile191 said...

what a beautiful day and memory. they all look so sweet. thanks for sharing, and for caring about me. during the hard times...and celebrating the good times....

hugs. ♥

Buffy Dayton said...

Oh my gosh, you had five neices get baptized at once? How many neices do you have....oh yeah, like fifty billion!!! You do look cute in that picture, not that you need to hear that anymore, your head is going to explode...don't get mad, I was totally kidding. well, not about the looking cute, but about the head exploding....nevermind.

Bonnie said...

I heard about this combined baptism. Nice. I bet your the favorite aunt.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

A personal post of Barbaloot's family. Oh, how this makes me smile. I loved seeing the picture of your nieces altogether. Looks like a very special day.

Oh, and on another note, thanks for reconfirming that we are indeed soulmates, my friend. I was very pleased to see that we share the same opinion of Giada. Now, the question is will you be making a trip to CA this summer?


Unseen India Tours said...

Wow Nice Picture...All Are Looking Cute..

nevadanista said...

Very cute!!! I really like that one in the front row center ;-) To answer the question you asked on my blog, Sophie and Reid were the best of pals, but they all played together.