Sunday, May 17, 2009


The continuation of installments comes this time for Camille who said: I would like to know more about the REAL Barbaloot, I want the neety greety. Please expand on what life was for little baby Barbaloot, what obstacles in life she had to face (ex. club foot, cleft pallate, speach impendiment, narcisism, klepto, double chin, flabby torso, school nerd, etc.) to become the Barbaloot we all love and adore.

The REAL Barbaloot, eh? Well, life for myself as a small child was basically pretty great. I am the twelfth of twelve children and the only girl. Suffice it to say I was more than a small surprise. My parents had just built a new home with a blue room for me to move into with my older brother. My name was going to be James Russell. My parents were never going to have to buy clothes for me cuz they already had more than enough. But rather than a Y chromosome, I miraculously got two X's.

I was born in the early morning, and once my dad was sure I was safe and sound he headed off to the nearest store and waited for it to open so he would be the one to buy me my first dress. Is it just me, or is that kind of the cutest story ever? And it just went crazy from there. I wore nothing BUT dresses for the first six years of my life. Serioulsy. I was even used as the introduction for a modesty talk in General Conference. Yep, I'm famous like that. Then one day I came home from school with a note from my teacher asking my mom to please let me wear pants or I wouldn't be able to play the games I liked at recess. Because, despite the fact that I wore loads of dresses, thought my middle name was Princess (seriously, till I was 5) and the go-to present for me from anyone was a doll---I liked to play FUN games. My favorite was a game my brothers invented where two people would get the biggest couch cushion they could find and run straight at each other trying to knock the other one down. Or the sledding game we played where one person tried to sled down the hill with two others coming from the side to tackle them. Fairly certain that game resulted in more than one nose-bleed.

As far as what obstacles I had to face, I thought about telling you how I overcame my narcissism, but I think having a blog is proof enough that I'm still not cured. Or, I thought of providing some anecdotes to illustrate the complete nerdiness that was myself as a child; like, going to the first day of school 30 minutes early (that's me being 100% alone in the Kindergarten classroom in my ABC dress...even the teacher wasn't there yet!) or being 1 of 6 kids in the ENTIRE school that was not punished for participating in the massive snowball fight, or how I have glasses and allergies which is HUGE nerd alert...but I think I've already waxed too loquacious for one post. Can anyone top those nerd stories?


Kristina P. said...

You have 11 brothers?!? This explains so much.

Shelley said...

Love that!!! Although I have three sisters, I also have seven brothers. Those games sounded sooooo familiar. Did you ever get cardboard and slide down the stairs in your house?

Chrissy said...

First off, I love your dad! He has always been one of my favorites. Second off, I wish you would include your "Now where's that pony?" clip that shows what a cute, unique voice you had when you were little. Thirdly, I'm happy for you that your mom threatened my mom enough for you to have the name you have! (Although I don't think the princess middle name was ever one my mom fought for.) :)

rychelle said...

nerds are all the rage these days, right?

TisforTonya said...

I didn't realize that my glasses and allergies made me a huge nerd... I was pretty sure it was because I saw all the Trek movies when the were released.

(hey, they DRAGGED me there!)

I LOVE that your Dad ran out to buy a dress... LOVE it... after having 3 boys and getting our girls I can only imagine that feeling multiplied!

Camille said...

Thank you! I love it! Especially that kindergarten picture, I bet you were teachers favorite. But if your throwing down the gauntlet on nerd stories you have yourself a challenge.
I also love how you and your dad got professional pictures together.

Erin said...

Wow, what a great post. I loved hearing about the game where you try to punch each other over using couch cushions. Now I know my boys are normal.

Becca said...

I love the story about your dad rushing out to buy you your first dress! How sweet. I can just picture him standing at the doors of one of the oh so fine retail establishments in good old Price!

Christine said...

LOVE the kindergarten picture!! ..I find it uniquely hilarious!!

Hope all is well! You have a great blog!

MakingChanges said...

Barb- I think we are kindred nerd spirits. Seriously- I would ask for extra homework and make up my own math problems at home when I was bored. Does that top your stories?

Karen Mello Burton said...

Holy smokes! 11 brothers? Wow. Very fun to read about the beginnings.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

That makes you cool in my eyes!!! Anybody that can be THAT early to anything deserves a medal!

And that IS a pretty cute story about your DAD... I did a little aaahhhh in my head! :)

Just SO said...

That is a very cute story about your dad! 12 brothers?? And older at that!! That is amazing. I have 5 brothers. 4 older and one younger. I love the fact that you showed up before the teacher in K!! In an ABC dress to boot!

Hoggards said...

Barbs, you are too cute!

Annette Lyon said...

I have one brother. He always wanted another and took it out on us sisters. Each of us has at least one actual scar to prove it. Mine is on my chin.

This is a great story.

Becky said...

That couch cushion game? My college roommate and I were champions. People paid good money to watch us compete.

Okay, there was no ACTUAL money, but we took it that seriously.

melissabastow said...

I never had a brother. Just two sisters who liked spending time with their Barbies. I wasn't allowed to play, because apparently Barbie is NOT supposed to catapult herself across the room while screaming random words like, "CREAMED CORN!!!!" after completing her diabolical booby trap to the 3 story Barbie condo elevator. I think I really could have used a brother...

sara said...

Adorable pics! I do have to say though that I don't think your brothers invented that game because we used to call it sumo wrestling in my house.

Which modesty talk?

Heidi said...

Wait! You have 11 brothers and not one of them is named James?! How can this be? (That photo of you is totally adorable--but not the least surprising, considering your current level of adorable-ness!~)

Anonymous said...

How 'bout glasses, allerges, braces, and absurdly awkwardly long legs that could never walk anywhere without tripping on half a dozen inanimate objects at the same time? I think I'd beat you on the nerd scale, hands down!

wendy said...

WHAT!!!!!-- 11 brothers. WOW, I poor pity the boys who tried to date you. I can hear you saying "be nice to me or I'll sick my brother on you ---ALL 11 OF THEM!)
WONDERFUL - and you parents must have been thrilled beyond belief to finally get their daughter.
I loved reading this about you, especially with having met you, makes it more real for me.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Nope. Can't top those nerd stories. Sorry. I left for class 5 minutes before class was scheduled to start and lived 7.45 minutes away.
You are cute though...does that help!?!

Deb said...

You and my Princess have a lot in common. She and I quarrelled this morning because I said she needed shorts under her dress (so she can climb around on the playground) and she threw a fit. We compromised on tights. We had a serious talk about modesty. She left her room, found her daddy, and said very seriously, "Daddy, Mommy says I can't show...I'm not supposed can't look at my butt."

Emily said...

Yes, the girl I remember was always in a dress and pig-tails. And is it strange that I remember the pink curtains in your window (even though I didn't even know YOU back then!)

Anyway, the kindergarten picture cracks me up. It also shows your age due to the clown on the board behind you-remember when everything was a clown? Scary. And the numbers on the wall look they're about to jump down and clobber you. I'm glad you survived :)

Tiffany said...

Barbs, I feel good about this post, although I was hoping that you would say something about your itty bitty feet and having to shop in the small children section in high school. :) maybe that could be your next post?!

Sara Waldron said...

Great post Barb. I had forgotten that about your dad- too cute! And I loved your abc dress by the way.

J. Baxter said...

I too spent the first several years of my life wearing mostly dresses. And then I turned into the world's biggest tomboy and refused to wear one for anything but church.

I like to think I've balanced out a bit now that I'm an adult...

LaurieJ said...

I have strongly encouraged my kids to do the cushion game but they havent quite mastered it.
And the kindergarten picture is my favorite.
AND isnt narcissism the reason we all have blogs? ;-)

Boy Mom said...

The sledding game sounds totally awesome!

Way to share! You make me want to stalk you in person instead of just in blog. Guess I just really like nerds.

Oh, and thanks for the warning I've always wondered how many boys I'd have to have to get a girl.

LisAway said...

Oh my. I can totally picture your dad standing waiting for the doors to open to go get you a dress. That is so cute. Your situation really was the perfect recipe for the most spoiled person on the planet. I can't believe you turned out so awesome. Although, most families with 12 kids are pretty down to earth and have awesome kids.

Debbie said...

First, yes that is the cutest story ever.
Second, 11 older brothers? Good grief. I can't imagine.

in time out said...

Heylllo, Came by to say thanks for being my blog friend. I have awarded you the NENO award....Have fun, pass it along, and thanks for the friendship. cyberhug...♥

April said...

GULP.....I can't believe you survived! Congrats!

mile191 said...

Thank you for Reading. And for your kind comment. I appreciate your support of my struggles. You take care, and thanks for being here for me by supportive commenting.

Pam said...

I saw your comment on Annie's site and just wanted to give you a heads up (in case you didn't already know it) that The last Percy Jackson Book is out. The Last Olympian. I found out about it just yesterday and bought in on YAY FOR PERCY JACKSON!

Julie said...

Barb, you are really out of the loop. ;) I reckon it was before you moved back to UT. My parents are mission presidents in New Hampshire...they have been out 2 years so they will be back next year. Don't worry, they still have their house in Price for you to remember us by. So speaking of Price, was that picture taken in Price or had you already moved away when you went to Kindergarten? I laughed out loud when I saw that because that's EXACTLY how I remember you!! In a dress with pig tails!