Monday, September 14, 2009

I Must Be A Better Actor Than I Thought

So, I'm sitting in church Sunday before the meeting starts, reverently listening to the prelude music and pondering things of great importance (cuz, you know, that type of behavior really exists in a singles ward...) and this guy asks me, "Hey, will you teach Sunday School for me next week?" My immediate response: "Nu-uh. No way." He blinked and kind of sat there a second. I think I heard crickets chirping between us. Then, "Wow. I don't think I've ever had anyone turn me down so vehemently." I think he thought that would make me feel a little guilty and I'd retract my initial response. Wrong. I proceeded to explain to this fellow that I'm petrified of teaching. That when I was a Relief Society teacher I got sick every week, and stressed and hated, nay--loathed it, and how I will never, ever teach Sunday School cuz there are boys there. Way too scary. And he responds, "Really? You're so outgoing that I would've never guessed that."

Wha? Um...does he know me? At all?

I then reminded him I was in the ward a good 6 months before we ever even spoke. That it's basically like pulling teeth to get me to play hostess to game nights. That when given the choice between a movie with 2 or 3 friends and a monster party, I'd pick the movie LONG before the party. After thinking about it for about .2 seconds he agreed---and asked someone else to teach.


Erin said...

Good for you for sticking to your guns.

Relief Society - I can do. Sunday School, where people know WAY, WAY more than I do? No way. That would be my worst idea of a calling ever.

Knock on wood.

JD said...

You could have rejected him more vehemently by emphasizing with a headbutt. Just a suggestion.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I actually enjoy teaching SS. More proof that I am looney tunes.

Kristina P. said...

My friend/coworker was called to be a Sunday School teacher in her single's ward. She said that she got a call from someone and he asked her where she served a mission and she said that she hadn't.

He said that he was really surprised because they usually only ask returned missionaries to teach. Apparently, you can't be an awesome teacher unless you've been on a mission.

Rachel Sue said...

Well, at least your a good actor.

I'm a lot like you. It takes me a long time to feel comfortable enough to start talking to people in a new ward. Only my problem is people think that I'm stuck up. It kind of sucks.

Loralee and the gang... said...

I know just how you feel!

sara said...

I take teaching anyday over being in charge of punk young women.
I think I'll remember your response next time I get a calling.

Cranberryfries said...

I can teach primary and I just got put in YW and taught my first lesson on Sunday. Those made me a tad nervous even, but I did it. Sunday School to me is way scary. Worse even than giving a talk because there is participation. I can't handle people responding or worse asking questions...I'm not good at answering or bringing them back on track.

Haha, I love that you said no, I would have too.

April said...

Way to stick to your guns!!! Do you think he was flirting with you?

MakingChanges said...

You are totally outgoing...

No seriously, you must be great in a small group because both times I have seen you, I have thought, "Wow, she is great. Not shy at all! Wish I was like that."

Way to go on the NO! He'll think twice or maybe only once before he tries that maneuver again!

Camille said...

I totally agree about not teaching in Sunday School. I do much better in the primary.

Homer and Queen said...

I teach RS and love it, but no way with SS! I will NOT pray in Sacrament Meeting either! I will go out of town to avoid it and I did go on a mission!

Becky said...


I need to cultivate that talent. Just say no.

Eliza said...

Way to say No and mean it! Sometimes its easier to say yes, because that's whats expected. By saying no you were really brave. I haven't been to SS in like 6 years because I've been in the primary. I don't think I could teach it either! Too many people that know more than I do!

Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding like a devil's advocate, Sunday School was the one calling I truly, honestly loved. And not because I knew anything -- on the contrary, I knew NOTHING. Basically, I changed my calling to Discussion Group Leader, and called several people in the ward each week to comment on specific subjects within the lesson. If someone asked a question that I didn't have an answer to, I'd turn to Bro. So-and-so and say, "Hey, Brother, what do you think?"

I got to know a lot of people in the ward better than I ever thought I would, and people actually enjoyed coming to class. We had a lot of fun, too -- I would bring play dough and have them create a 3-D diagrams of the 3 Degrees of Glory. Hysterical, and yet very educational!

I think the best thing was realizing that there were so many people in the ward that felt the same way I did -- and you do -- and most people, for that matter. Everyone thinks that somebody else can do the job so much better, but the fact was, I learned more in that calling than any calling I've had in my life. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

Sara Waldron said...

I'm definitely more comfortable in YW or Primary, and I've only been asked to teach RS once. (Apparently I didn't do great- I was never asked again in that ward.) :) But hey, Chrissy was called to teach SS in singles ward when we were studying Old Testament, and although she stressed over it a ton, she got better and better and I know you'd do great too.

Sara Waldron said...

P.S. I totally understand your social preferences. I guess thats why we had so many sleepovers watching Disney movies and reading Love on the Run or Ariana instead of hanging out with other friends. :)

cbleeflang said...

Good story! I've never been asked to teach a sunday school lesson...knock on wood.

Karen Mello Burton said...

LOL Yeah, I was a gospel doctrine teacher for a long time and it was kind of high stress. But I do love teaching and enjoyed the challenge.

I wonder if this guy was just using that as an excuse to get to know you...

Hoggards said...

I'm proud of you for saying no and sticking to your guns! I'm with you. I HATE teaching sunday school. That was my first calling in my married student ward. I about died. Anywho, was he cute??

Deb said...

You are my new hero. I would have said "Yes" reflexively, because I"m a doormat. I'm working on it, though.

I have to say, I'm enchanted to learn that there is a land where people get substitutes in advance...we had four teachers out from Primary last week, only one gave us any notice. Program in a week!

Shelley said...

You know Barb, I don't really know you, just the "blog" part of you. You must really be even more amazing than even your blog shows. For starters to just be asked to teach Sunday School is a compliment. Whether you dared or not is personal. I think a truly great SS teacher is priceless and hard to find, so just the invitation says a lot..

Emily said...

I would definitely call you outgoing before I'd call you shy. No, you're not the "I have to be center of attention" kind of outgoing, and you certainly appreciate your quiet/alone time, but girl, you make friends faster and more easily than anyone I know.

I mean, you just can't help being so much fun that others flock to you as soon as they have partaken of your funness (not a word, but I'm using it anyway!).

wendy said...

I would have never taken you for someone that "shy?" BUT, when you know you really really hate and are afraid to do certain things, I am glad you stuck to your guns with the NO ---otherwise think of all the headaches you would have had and vomiting in front of everyone in the class and the cold sweats and heaven forbid the passing out.
That would have been hard to live down in a singles ward. (tee,hee)

much better to have said no

besides, I am sure someone will ask you to do it again sometime, and who knows, one day you might say YES -??? (there are pills for vomiting)

Chief said...

Hey, I've lurked...I've laughed, now I will comment;)

I will never teach Sunday School, EVER! It is definitely the boy thing, and the large amount of people thing, and the...I have no idea if I am teaching false doctrine so I will probably be struck down as I stand there and blabber thing.

The teenagers are WAY easier!

Lara Neves said...

I actually really enjoy teaching, despite my shy nature, but it took me a long time to get to that point. In college, I hated it. :)

Glad you were finally able to convince him!

charrette said...

That is so funny...but I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself, vehemently.

Teaching is actually my VERY FAVORITE thing to do. I teach at the local university, and teaching is my all-time favorite assignment at church too.

If he asks you again, I'll sub...