Monday, October 19, 2009

The Best Thing About Movies?

The soundtrack. Movie soundtracks can make or break a movie. I mean, when you think about Star Wars, or Jaws or Superman---isn't it all of .2 seconds before you start singing the theme song? And it's not just John William's scores that are amazing. What about Anne of Green Gables? Love that.

Rudy is my favorite movie and I'm not sure if I love it so much because of the music, or if I love the music so much cuz it's a great movie. Either way, if there were one without the other I'm pretty sure I wouldn't own both. Other good movies made awesome by the music: any and all Pirates, Pearl Harbor, Truman Show, Transformers...I could go on.

Master and Commander? Uh, horrid movie. Boring as all get out. The soundtrack? Awesome. Totally own it.

So, this past weekend I watched Collateral. Um...tolerable movie. I didn't love it all that much. Granted, I don't like Tom Cruise or Jamie Foxx, but I tried not to let that sentiment blindly prejudice my opinion. I only do that with Hilary Swank movies. Anyway, there's one scene in the movie where they've included an amazing interpretation of "Air" by Bach. It was amazing---best part of the movie. You might even say it redeemed the movie a little bit in my mind. Thank heavens youtube enables me to listen to it constantly now.

What about you? What soundtracks do you love?


Camille said...

The soundtrack of The Mission and soundtrack to Cinema Paradiso, both by Ennio Morricone. LOVE them. I'll have to check out that Bach arrangment.

We both mentioned Hilary Swank it kismet?

Cranberryfries said...

I love disney soundtracks of course. A gem I've loved since highschool is "The Goofy Movie". I love soundtracks but I'm not good about getting them so unless a friend lets me borrow them or I get them as gifts I dont own a lot.

Camille said...

ok. I listened to the arrangment, and I like it but I prefer the non-jazzy version better.
I forgot to add Schindlers List as one of my favorites.

Deb said...

You have hit on a great love of mine. Soundtracks rule. I have Swing Kids, Trainspotting, Forrest Gump, Labyrinth, Twilight, soon to get New Moon...

But my all time fave: Grosse Pointe Blank. The best '80's soundtrack ever.

Liz Mays said...

I haven't bought any soundtracks in a while now but I used to do that ALL the time. I love the variety of music on them.

Mayhem and Moxie said...

Rudy? As in the football movie?

That totally made me laugh. Not because I didn't completely cry like a baby during the movie, but because I would have never, ever guessed that about you.

How do you feel about musicals, e.g., Wicked?


Hoggards said...

I personally like the remember the titans sound track.
So, I was thinking about how you 'LOVE' Hilary Swank and wondered if you saw that Office were everyone is arguing over whether she is hot or not. It was totally bugging me. I don't think she should be on the hot side at all!

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

I agree with Deb @ Cran Disney sound tracks old and new!

I LOVED Dirty Dancing, not going to lie, and Girls Just Wanna Have Fun...and Stomp the Yard...any movie to do with dance! Lol.

You are a lot more cultured than me it seems :)

Kristina P. said...

I used to LOVE the soundtrack to The Last of the Mohicans. I also own the soundtrack to Good Will Hunting, which is probably my favorite movie ever.

Karen Mello Burton said...

Kenneth Branaugh's Henry V. Unbelievably gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

How do I feel about music ... hmmmm ... this is like asking me, how much air do you want to breathe today? ALL OF IT, thank you very much! There are very few musical soundtracks that I don't like, but my all time favorite is Man From Snowy River. Jessica's theme -- ahh, beautiful! And my kids lately have started collecting Prince Caspian and Peter Pan (the live action one, not the cartoon) and other instrumental soundtracks that we love to crank up to the highest, tolerable level while we clean the house!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I love "That Thing You do" but I have to be in the right mood for it. Love the music, but sometimes the lyrics are just a little TOO cheesey!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

I love Remember the Titans also. And Rudy. And Man from Snowy River. And what about Sleepless in Seattle? Or any of the Lord of the Rings? Not only movies but music can make or break anything including life. With the right song you can survive just about anything. Why do you think we sing so much at girls camp?

TisforTonya said...

oooh, I can't name a fave I'm afraid - but now I'm adding to my list of things I need to run out and get a copy of!

rychelle said...

i've always been a fan of soundtracks. i think it started with the soundtrack to cocktail. ;)

sara said...

Finding Neverland is great for Sunday Afternoons. And I love Forrest Gump for cleaning the house.

Shelley said...

You are right on. Here are some of mine:
Medicine Man, Flashdance (don't make fun), Mr. Holland's Opus, Hunt for Red October, Dances with Wolves, and I admit I love the High School Musical stuff especially #3,

MakingChanges said...

I totally heart soundtracks! Alltime favorite is the Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. Also love Braveheart, Hunt for Red October, What A Girl Wants. Oh, I could go on forever!

Chief said...

ooo...I love soundtracks too. I remember coming out of Brother Bear several years ago and going straight to the store to buy the CD!

Connie said...

Now you made me think! I like the soundtrack from Somewhere in Time or did I just like Christopher Reeves? I also like the ST from Forrest Gump.
When I really take the time to think, I'll realize that I like more...a lot more!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Personally, I am a big fan of the Alvin and the Chipmunks soundtrack. Or maybe that is only because that is all i ever watch. I need a life. Or to start watching adult movies~

Homer and Queen said...

I love soundtracks too! Except Alvin and his buddies...I would kick them.

Sara Waldron said...

I like your list of favorite soundtracks- You have great taste. I also like Legacy, Ever After, Sabrina, Pride and Prejudice...and Gospelridge.

Sara Waldron said...

P.S. A Beautiful Mind also has some amazing songs, but has some kind of haunting songs too.

Rachel Sue said...

I'm the same way with Ocean's 11. I don't know if I love the music because I love the movie, or I just love the music.

Heidi said...

Where can one find this incredible version? (I think I saw that movie but I don't remember the incredibleness of any music. Shame on me.) (Because I love Bach's whatever it was.)

the Lola Letters said...

I totally second a lot of the movies that your friends put in their comments! Labrynth? Stop it! I LOVED the soundtrack from that movie!

Other winners for me are Top Gun, Somewhere in Time, Sabrina, and I love love love the way that "Confessions of a Shopaholic" incorporated their music! It adds SO much to the scenes and characters. I felt that the fusion of music and film was really well executed on that one. (Which is funny since that movie isn't particularly deep by any means!)

What a fun topic! I've loved reading this!

wendy said...

A great movie --AND a great soundtrack ---well can't beat that. I love the Soundtrack to My Best Friends Wedding (old show I know) but great music. AND gotta love the music from Napoleon (not especially deep movies, but great music)
And Last of the Mohicans (great)(I don't know if I spelled that right, oh well)
What about Grease (well I guess a musical wouldn't really count)

JennyMac said...

Ahhh..the soundtracks...I have liked SO many. And a crazy one that I found to be amazing is Peter Gabriels Passion soundtrack from Last Temptation of Christ.

charrette said...

I'm a huge fan of soundtracks. The first one I ever bought was The Black Stallion. And I still love it! We literally have hundreds now. (Well, okay, it helps that my husband is in the film industry.)

And for more fun with soundtracks, you should do a YouTube search for spoof trailers of The Shining and Sleepless in Seattle. Ah, the power of music...


Tiffany said...

Totally love the Top Gun soundtrack and the first Pirates. And Man from Snowy River, too. And I read Camillee's you totally remember the days of riding in her Altima jamming to the Remember the Titans soundtrack? Or is that just me? I hope you remember that, cause it was good times!

Smart Helm said...

Can I still be apart of this party if I like Disney Soundtracks? Although you have given me a good idea for more music to listen to at work. I only have so much classical and I have to stop listening to music that makes me spontaniously bust out in song! Thanks for reminding me I have many other CD's I can enjoy.

JD said...

the new batman movie soundtracks...braveheart... gladiator

liked collateral a lot. i'll watch any michael mann movie. cruise as a sociopath was a change of pace

Beeswax said...

So I Married an Ax Murderer soundtrack is fantastic. And red sounds great! Can't wait to see it!

Emily said...

I am with you on the music. Growing up, my mom taught us to sit through the entire credits of the movie while everyone else left because if not, you often miss some of the best music!

The first soundtracks that come to mind for me are Gettysburg (my #1 pick) and Pride & Prejudice. The Man from Snowy River is always a classic. Serendipity is great. Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. The Notebook has some good ones. Sleepless in Seattle, Top Gun, Hope Floats, Anastasia if you're looking for songs with words. I could go on.

Emma said...

last of the Moichcans? spelling it wrong but love the music my mom owns it, hard to listen to now that she lives up north!!!