Saturday, October 24, 2009

How Do You Go Green?

Personally, I try to save on putting my niece in the sink when I give her a bath. And hey-while she plays around, I get the dishes done!

And while I did dishes, she helped me by wiping off the counter. (Her idea.)

Being green is SO much fun that my nephew wanted to join in, too.

And some things that are definitely NOT going green:

I am a summer girl. I LOVE the heat! But these Fall colors are out-of-this-world gorgeous, yes? I had my camera in my car and just took a few pictures of the trees around BYU campus. I couldn't get over how beautiful they were.

My mom thinks our neighbor's tree is the prettiest one around.

And here's the pretty fire bush I see every day when I come home from work.

Yes, I suppose the Fall colors make up for the fact that it's not 80 degrees outside anymore.


Karen Mello Burton said...

I love Fall. It is maybe my fave! The colors are unreal on campus right now, huh?

And I hope the dishes were not in the same side of the sink as your little ones! :)

Kristina P. said...

Those red trees are gorgeous!

Liz Mays said...

That must be a pretty big sink!

The trees are brilliant!

TisforTonya said...

gorgeous - the man of the house and I are missing out on our annual October trip to enjoy the colors (and celebrate our anniversary) so I will just enjoy your pics and pretend :)

Camille said...

You must be a pretty nice aunt, I would never bathe children that aren't my own, but if she is willing to wipe down the counters....

Cranberryfries said...

Sink tubs are the best and those trees are so great!

Rachel Sue said...

That is a great way to save water. I wish my sink was that big. . .

Chief said...

I love seeing the kid in the kitchen sink! I think it is genius!

Smart Helm said...

I miss seasons. Maybe you could move to Vegas and it would be Hot all the time :-).

I bet ur the favorite aunt.

Loralee and the gang... said...

You sure have one big sink! And those fall colors are outrageous!

rychelle said...

i will trade you our 80 degree temps for those lovely trees.

wendy said...

I love how you go green, save energy, multitask -------and those fall colors are spectacular
or as in Canada it is


April said...

Campus looked so pretty this weekend with all the pretty trees changing colors! We drove up in our not so green SUV to see the slaughter of the cougars. =(

charrette said...

I can't even describe what those fall colors do to my heart, the lift they give me.

And that squishy little niece in the sink? Adorable!

JD said...

fall's the best season.

i go green by driving 3 minutes to work instead of walking or biking.

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

Love the pictures of bathers in the sink. Awesome. And thanks for sharing the trees. Did I hear correctly that it is suppose to snow this week? Dang because I am coming up for the weekend and I don't really do snow anymore.

Homer and Queen said...

Beautiful trees! It is just now getting to be 80 degrees here!

Deb said...

Lucky you, living somewhere where there is a fall.

sara said...

I remember trees. Those pretty leafy things that make shade. Ah, those are so nice!

Shelley said...

I'm like you, I'm not ready for the cold weather, but the beautiful colors, WOW!
Love the kitchen bathtub. Maybe we should all try it sometime.

Erin said...

What beautiful pictures! I love the colors of the trees and bushes. And your niece and nephew look like they are having so much fun in the sink :)

Hoggards said...

That looks like one crowded "green tub". :) Fun stuff. Way to multi task and teach your niece and nephew the same! And those colors are gorgeous! I LOVE THE FALL!!!

Sara Waldron said...

Gotta love the sink baths. :) And I love fall- the amazing colors, going on pretty hikes, football games, soccer, etc. I get so excited at the beginning of each new season.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

How adorable are they? Way to go green. I love trees that turn red. Every year I say I'm going to plant a maple tree for that reason. Every year I don't. So, I will enjoy your pics instead!

Anonymous said...

BEE-YOO-TEE-FULLLLL!!!! I love Fall -- I used to think it was brown and gross and not much fun, but in my old age, I've learned that spring fits that description more than the fall months. I love the explosion of color in the flora and fauna! And it doesn't give me allergy problems! Double plus!

Boy Mom said...

I've been blown away with the fall colors this year. If only my camera was operational,if only it could stay balmy.

Mayhem and Moxie said...

You are a green giver, Barbaloot. Plain and simple.

Oh, and you apparently have some really good genes in your family too. Darling kids!

Emily said...

First, you are a silly aunt! But, teaching multi-tasking at a young age may pay off later.

I LOVE fire bushes. So jealous that you get to see one every day. When I grow up, I'm going to have a fire bush of my very own.

Alyson | New England Living said...

I love it! Fall is my favorite and definitely not the time for going "green". :)

Love the pics of the kiddies in the sink.

Tiffany said...

Thanks for making me homesick.

Definitely miss the leaves changing color (what I can see of it, anyway). My friend here says that leaves fall from the trees all winter and that in the spring sometimes you can see new blossoms mixed with old leaves still falling off the trees. crazy! and if you need heat just come visit me!!

R Allen said...


The Cooking Photographer said...

Cute! I remember giving my little girl baths in the sink. I wish I had pictures now!


The Cooking Photographer said...

Cute! I remember giving my little girl baths in the sink. I wish I had pictures now!


LisAway said...

BEAUTIFUL!! How can fall not be your favorite season? Sweaters. Hot chocolate. RAIN. I love it all. And also that it's FINALLY not 80 degrees anymore. :)

I recently started bathing Aaron in the big bowl I use for laundry. (but we have a HUG tub so a bath is a waste and I usually just do showers anyway.)

Lara Neves said...

Those trees in front of the MOA/HFAC were always my favorites in fall. I have a ton of pictures from college of those same trees. So beautiful!

Emma said...

I bath my girls in the sink alot saves time!!!

I love fall the colors are great but summer is the best!

melissabastow said...

That looks like one humongous sink - how did you get two whole kids to fit in there?


Heidi said...

That picture of your neice cleaning the counter is priceless! It could win a prize!