Thursday, October 29, 2009

Two Top Fives

I'm following along with Top Ten Thursday again---but I couldn't really decide on two things I had top ten's to list. So, two top five lists. Lucky you guys!!

Top 5 Things I Did Not Want in my Halloween Bag
5. Smarties. Really? That's what you're handing out for Halloween? Do you hate children? Do you want you home to be egged?
4. Those pumpkin colored taffies. They may look festive, but they taste like metal.
3. Anything sour. I think I broke my jaw eating sour candy once. No joke. The stuff is evil.
2. Kit Kats. I love chocolate---but for some reason, I don't think Kit Kats really have any place on this planet.
1. Candy Corn. Why don't you just give me sugar to melt instead. It's cheaper---and it'd taste better, too.

So, what candy did I buy to pass out at my parent's this year? Kit Kats and sour stuff. It's a survival thing. While I pass things out I have zero inclination to snack.

Top 5 Movies I'm Certain I'll Never Not Wanna Watch
5. Anne of Avonlea. Enough Said
4. Singin' in the Rain. Maybe the story is about Don Lockwood and Cathy Zelden, but I always loved Cosmo.
3. 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. The first musical I ever knew and loved. It's entirely possible I can quote this by heart. (Close behind are Newsies and That Thing You Do.)
2. Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken. With the guy from 16 Candles, only he's way hotter in this. Plus, there's a red-headed side-kick. If that's not a recipe for success, I really don't know what is.
1. She's the Man. Full on hilarious and not even kind of believable. I could watch this movie 5 times in one weekend. Oh wait, I definitely have. With my roommate before she ran off and got herself married. That was a good weekend.

If you wanna play along with the movie top ten, check out this place. Or, you can find out the top ten uses of peanut butter and why I'm going to be eating it very soon over here.


Camille said...

Ok I just fell in love with you ALL over again. WILD HEARTS CAN"T BE BROKEN!! Love that show, but can't stop laughing when I see that horse jump off to dive, it looks so awkward, but LOVE the show.
I might possibly love Anne of Green Gables a tidge better than Anne of Avonlea. "My life is a perfect graveyard of buried hopes. That's a sentence I read once and I say it over to comfort myself in these times that try the soul." -Anne Shirley

I've never seen Singin' in the Rain. But I do love the other two!

Kristina P. said...

I cannot agree with you about Smarties or KitKats. KitKats are American Tim Tams!

My movie is The Notebook. I was talking to my friend about how evil that movie is. It's horribly lame and emotionally manipulative, but every time it's on TV I HAVE to watch it! I can't turn away!

LaurieJ said...

Except for the sour stuff I love all that candy! I might hustle my kids down to your house....

And I've always had a slight crush on Benjamin on 7 brides for 7 brothers and thought he should have ended up with Eliza, not Dorkus :-)

sara said...

I agree with you on the halloween taffy. That stuff is nasty! I bought a two pound bag of candy to give out this year, and I'm not planning on being home... I guess I'll have to sacrifice and eat it myself.
I love all those movies and would have to add some Pride and Prejudice. It makes my world better.

PS. I'm glad you got the jelly. That goes well with peanut butter too!

Alison said...

I get good candy for the neighbor kids (reeses, snickers etc, the smarties I give to the kids that didn't dress up or are way to old to be trick or treating.
I love kitkats, but I guess we can still be friends.

rychelle said...

why is sour candy so popular these days? it's the worst thing that's ever happened to candy.

Liz Mays said...

The only one I've seen on there is 7 Brides for 7 Brothers and that one is FABULOUS!!!

My son is all about the sour candy. I actually like it too as long as it's not a worm.

LZ @ My Messy Paradise said...

Raisins. Who thinks raisins are a good treat???

Rachel Sue said...

I haven't seen wild hearts can't be broken in years. The girl from that is on Burn Notice. She looks kind of scary now.

And I so love That thing you do.

Sandi said...

I love your lists. I hope you keep making them forever. I'm going to be so much more cool and hip just from reading your top 10's!

Shelley said...

I just love to hear about candy favorites. No matter how "cool" we all are, we all love different stuff.
Could you be any "sweeter" now that you've listed those movies. I'm starting to wonder if you are the real Anne Shirley.

charrette said...

I have to agree with you on all those treats that are actually vile tricks. And add to your list: popcorn, peanuts, and those horrible orange styrofoam things called circus peanuts! Blecch!

And can I add the Sound of Music to your movie list? Thanks!

R Allen said...

Candy corn was invented by the Devil.

Sara Waldron said...

Barb, you just haven't had smarties the right way. Weren't you ever invited to a teaparty at my house where Becky and Jessie mashed up smarties and added water for our tea? Actually, I had my gross candies that I kept after Halloween and used them as prizes for the little girls helping me clean my room.
And I love your movies too! "Seven of them! And all as tall as church steeples." Remember the dance scene that we watched 7 times so we could all focus on one brother each time? :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I agree with you on everything buy Kit Kats. They are not even close to being my faves, but I don't hate them. The other 4... I hate.

Cool movie choices too!

Cranberryfries said...

I love 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. And my hubby will even watch it with me sometimes.

I actually like Kit Kats so I guess I'm gonna have to try to find your house for Halloween.

Chief said...

I think I need to divorce you.

Has anyone every filed for divorce over KitKats?

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Okay, you are my favorite! I love those movies! And Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken!?!?! Like the best movie of all time! I always wanted to be her because he is SO hot, haha! And yes, smarties and kit kats are the devil!

JD said...

Oh, Barb.

No love for Kit-Kats? Seriously. Maybe take a second to re-evaluate things. Like you're always telling me to do with my marathon.

Lara Neves said...

You can give me all your candy corn. I adore the stuff. Not a chocolate fan, but give me candy corn and I'm happy.

Connie said...

Pumpkin taffy is horrible! And guess what, I ALMOST BOUGHT A BAG TODAY!!! I didn't though because I don't hate kids or Halloween THAT much!
I like your movie choices. I would add "What About Bob" to that list along with several others. Too bad I never sit long enough to watch a movie. Must be all the KitKats I've been eating.

Connie said...

Pumpkin taffy is horrible! And guess what, I ALMOST BOUGHT A BAG TODAY!!! I didn't though because I don't hate kids or Halloween THAT much!
I like your movie choices. I would add "What About Bob" to that list along with several others. Too bad I never sit long enough to watch a movie. Must be all the KitKats I've been eating.

April said...

I actually haven't seen 2 of the movies you listed....and I LOVE Smarties....if they are from Canada. Then they taste like M&M's.

Emma said...

Smarties aren't to bad and my kids love candy corn, maybe because it's just sugar?

My husband got mad at me last year for not handing out GOOD candy so this year only the good stuff!!! Lucky him.

Came to take a look my mom is Wendy no botox allowed.

wendy said...

I hate rotten stinkin cheapo halloween candy too-----(but I usually gave out some and it would be to those kids at more door that were OBNOXIOUS----and then for the cuties I gave the good stuff.

And I haven't even heard of some of those movies you talked about. 7 Brides for 7 Brothers though I liked.
I won't watch HORROR SLASHER movies (I am a woose)

Anonymous said...

You ungrateful cow, be thankful for people giving your greedy persona some sweets in the first place.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

hmm, i was all with you until kit kats and candy corn. I can take those all off your hands!

On the movies, I am with you for all of them!

Smart Helm said...

I tried the whole hand out chocolate thing, but it gets expensive! Besides, Smart is my middle name so I HAD to hand out smarties.

I'm into Jane Austin right now but I still have my well worn copy of Singin' in the Rain. At school we would have Gene Kelly Marathons. And 7 brides for 7 brothers! I forgot about that movie. That Dorkus Daily.. "Ever thought that we are sleeing in THEIR beds?".
I gotta add that to my library!

Randi said...

can you believe I've never seen Wild Hearts Can't be Broken??

Where have I been?
The other 4, though? TOP NOTCH!

Mayhem and Moxie said...

Of course, She's the Man is on your list. I would be terribly disappointed if you hadn't admitted to watching the flick many, many times during a single weekend.

I will also cop to watching Anne of Avonlea. My parents have it on video cassette. And yes, I'll even watch the bad quality.

Nelson Family said...

So, first of all...Kit Kats aren't that bad. They've been my craving this past halloween, weird for me. And gotta love Anne of Avonlea and Newsies! And also...LOVE peanut butter on waffles, with hot syrup on top! Super yum!

annie valentine said...

We buy Smarties so we won't eat the entire bag before October 31st.

And I'd have to add Ocean's 11, The Fugitive, and Tommy Boy. Never gets old.

JennyMac said...

pumpkin colored taffy...UGH! I feel the same about candy corn. LOL.

Rebecca Irvine said...

Wandered over here from Dunhaven Place and enjoyed reading some of your posts!

Send me all your candy corns-I like em. But you are right about the Smarties and the sour candies. Yuck.

And the Anne movies are all WONDERFUL!

Heidi said...

NO KIT KATS!?!??? I'm heartbroken. My love affair with KK began when the commercial advertising them starring a then unknown George Newberg (of Adventures in Babysitting fame) came on the air. He. Was. Cute!!! Anyway, I think we can still be friends. It's possible. (I'm thinking about it . . .)

Emily said...

There is a reason we are friends. Remind me why we live like 5 minutes from each other, yet never hang out - must fix this.

We would have been compatible Halloween candy swappers back in the day since I like all 5 candies you dislike! I actually just ate a Halloween Kit-Kat.
I also love all of the movies you listed. Never seen She's the Man, though. Wanna watch it with me sometime?

Oh, member watching Wild Hearts...on the little TV in Nauvoo? Mmmmm.

Alyson | New England Living said...

I love smarties! I seriously eat them daily. Weird, huh?