Monday, January 18, 2010

Running Out Of Reasons

I feel like I'm blogged out. I've had a few post ideas floating around in my head, and I just don't feel like turning them into anything.

It's kind of hard cuz I've made good friends through blogging, and been able to stay in touch with family and friends and I feel like I may lose touch with them if I stop. Hopefully that won't happen. And I'll still post if I find something I want to write down. It could be tomorrow, it could be next year. I don't know. But it used to be fun, and it's just more of a hassle now.

I'm not going to delete this blog, I'm not going to go private or declare the blog finished, I'm just not going to write unless I want to. Right now I don't want to.


Kristina P. said...

I think that everyone hits this wall. This is why I only blog once a week. I still enjoy it, but I don't have the same drive I once did.

I hope you still blog!

rychelle said...

it's like you took the words right out of my mouth! ;)

Cajoh said...

I think I too have hit a wall. I have a lot of things floating around, but just don't have the motivation to put it all together lately. I'll still keep you around on my reader and will try to keep an eye out for you so that you don't feel like you are abandoned whenever you do post.

Lady of Perpetual Chaos said...

On the one hand, I can totally understand how you're feeling because I get that from time to time. And you're probably out living a fabulous life instead of blogging. But on the other hand, I just barely started reading you and I love your blog!! I guess I'll just have to console myself with your archives for now and hope you get back to blogging. And...every time I think about braving the gym, knowing all of the resolutioners are there, I think of you standing by the treadmills and scowling. And it makes me laugh enough that I can justify skipping spinning. ;o)

Emily said...

I reached that point last year as well. Hence the posts every 2-3 months.

Liz Mays said...

I don't know of a blogger who hasn't been there. You're doing the right thing. Just walk away until the feeling moves you again.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I hear ya. I'm in a funk myself. I think it's January.
Gets the best of me every year.
I love your blog.
If that makes a difference.

Karen Mello Burton said...

I totally get it. No point to it if it isn't working for ya. I hope you find your mojo soon, but if not don't worry about it. Take care!

Alyson | New England Living said...

Yup, that's me too! I only blog when I really, really want to, which means sometimes I go weeks.

Glad you aren't closing down the blog! We'd miss you, but you should definitely only do it when you feel the urge.

JD said...

sad, but understandable. just write when you want to. 'sall good.

Camille said...

I love your posts, but I completely understand. I'll be waiting for your next brilliant post.....(and I'm being very sincere).
See you at the gym.

Connie said...

I can understand your feelings. I'll be looking forward to anything you have to say in the future. Take care.

Hoggards said...

I hear ya. I've felt the same way and have actually had stuff to blog about, but don't really feel like it. It's weird, but I understand. Doesn't mean I don't love reading your posts though!

Nutty Hamster Chick said...

It seems strange that so many of us feel this way at the same time. I came to the realization that I was trying to write for every one else, not me any more. So I have gone back to my boring posts about things I want documented for me, whether it is as boring as paint drying or not.

LY girl.

Melanie Millett said...

Yeah, I hear you on that.

I'll come read anytime you feel like blogging - even if it's not until next year.

Anonymous said...

TAKE A BREAK!!! This is what I felt all December long, and why I didn't post a darn thing. I'm coming back slowly, but it's still a work on progress. Take a nice, long break, and don't blog about anything if you don't want to, and when you want to, it will come!

Emma said...

That's ok by me. I think it the cold weather, we just don't seem to do as much!!!

e. said...

Wow, this post hurts my heart, Barb. Barb? Running out of things to talk about? NEVER!!!

Deb said...

Me, too. I write entries now when I want to, not when I "have" to. I think once it turns into a "have" to, it's time to take a step back.

Unknown said...

Want to write on my blog? You can pretend to be me... and write what I would write.

Tiffany said...

I must say I'm sad, since I really do like your posts! But if it's not fun, don't do it. And when you randomly write then I'll be very excited! :)

Lara Neves said...

I am in this exact place right now. It has been very nice to cut down. Enjoy your time off!

Kari said...

Thanks for your honesty. I'm just starting to blog and I keep repeating "pace yourself". I have found so much joy in it and hope it never becomes a chore. Good luck and hopefully you will find a reason to blog again :)

Erin said...

Yep, I understand this feeling. I feel like the stuff I write is fluffy and not worthwhile anyway, so why am I doing it? Good luck to you. I love it when you do write, so I look forward to hearing from you again!

Boy Mom said...

What? Blogging is an obligation! You don't just get to quit because it's become tedious or annoying, and sides that we'll miss you;)

Just saying what we are all thinking. Whining works for my kids! How's it working?

Enjoy your break, I'll watch for you at the gym.

Shelley said...

I too totally get it. My blog has become so dull no one even comments. So as much as I love to read yours, take your break so it doesn't become a burden. We'll be patiently waiting.

Mayhem and Moxie said...

Amen, my sistah! I literally hit this exact same wall back about mid-December and wasn't sure that I would ever be able to break through. It took about a month before I realized that this was something that I wanted to keep doing and not something I felt obligated to do.

Like your other readers, it would be sad for us to lose touch. However, I'll go forward confident in the fact that should you ever be in the SF Bay Area, you will surely look me up.


Debbie said...

I hope you come back! I have so enjoyed getting to know you. And you are right, it is hard to keep up the steam.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

and that, my dear, is okay with us. We love you either way!

wendy said...

I know, it feels that way sometimes. sometimes I feel that blogging has really interferred with my love to read and perhaps "other" creative things I should do. (WHAT am I talking about, I am not creative)
Just post about what pisses you off today.
what troubles you
makes you happy
makes you sad
what worries you

we can all share in those things as we are all in this LIFE together.
I'll keep checking on you

Beeswax said...

Sometimes I have ideas, sometimes I have time, sometimes both, and occasionally I have neither. I'm too busy watching myself inflate to be very inspired to write at the moment. Don't have guilt over hobbies.

Shelle-BlokThoughts said...

It seems we all get that way huh?

I'm doing that now... and believe me, it's a lot better!!! :)

Carol said...

That's how I felt all of last year Barb. But I shall miss you and your wit my dear.

Hoping you feel inspired sooner rather than later.

Chrissy said...

I have to say, I am so impressed with how long you have gone on and am grateful for how many times you have made me die laughing. Thanks, Barb! (I'll still check your blog faithfully, but no pressure!) :)

April said...

Wow....odd how we are all on the same funk wagon. But I get it!

Becky Dayton said...

Perhaps you should try a sibling series. You'd have your subjects for the next year. Or if you want to have subjects for the rest of your life you could dedicate one post to each of your neices and nephews. Then if you still want more go ahead do all your cousins. (You're down two cuz you already did Sara and me. :))
Just some ideas...

Smart Helm said...

I know the feeling. But it'll come. It shore has been fun reading ur posts and I look forward to reading more whenever they come!

Cranberryfries said...

I've been trying to figure out what to post for a week. I have about a 8 posts that are half finished but I just can't get the 'it's time to publish this' feeling yet. I made a promise to myself, if I'm not feeling it I dont post it. I'd rather post something interesting than just post for the sake of posting so i get ya. Can't wait to see what you come up with next time you're around.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

Hmph! Well fine then! Jk. :) I totally get ya, I used to feel driven to post a few times a week and now I can barely get in once a week. But ya know, I don't live for blogging, I blog for living, haha! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

Genial post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.

The Crash Test Dummy said...

What the what is anonymous talking about?

This was perfect for me to read today because I've been feeling this way too for the past several weeks. Weird. I'm with Debbie at Cranberry Fries. I have a bunch of half written things but don't have the desire to finish them. Hmmmm

I'm happy to read your comments and see that others are feeling this way too.