Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fish vs. Squirrels

Boys are fish. Girls are squirrels. It's true.

Fish are easily caught. Put something sparkly in front of them and they'll bite without even thinking about it. They are just as easily distracted. If the certain something sparkly doesn't have a substantial hook (she's boring, lazy, high maintenance, involved elsewhere), the fish are just as easily un-hooked and they swim away never giving the sparkly thing another thought.

Squirrels. Now, they're more cautious. They see something of potential interest, like a nut, but they're not gonna rush right in a grab it. Nu-uh. They circle around it, finding out all they can about the nut before they're gonna commit to wanting it. And they'll try and keep the nut from realizing it's being evaluated. Once they've decided they want it, they rush in, grab it, and then hurry and hide it before some other squirrel comes along and creates competition. And the squirrel won't forget about the nut. She'll hang on to it for a good, long while.

There's a reason fish and squirrels don't co-exist. What on earth makes men and women think they can?


LisAway said...

Oh my goodness. You are wise beyond your years! :) I tell you, I'm not sure how I've managed with my fish for so long, but somehow it works. When you find the right nut, and he hooks the right sparkly, somehow it just does. The whole hunting thing is pretty lame sometimes, though. I do remember that! (my fish was veeeeeery easily distracted by sparkly things around him. So annoying. Now he's hooked, though, that's all changed. And I'm happy with my nut.)

rocslinger said...

Bad enough that my wife's nick name for me is "psycho boy" but now I'm a fish and a nut?

I'm not sure how much more my psyche can handle.

Oh well I guess I'll go and find something shiny and than I'll feel okay.:)

Lara Neves said...

Love it! You are so smart.

Camille said...

It sounds like there is a story behind this tale of squirrels and fishes....

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

I love that picture, that part on Sword in the Stone is my FAVORITE! And you are SO right! Except you could catch this squirrel any day with chocolate bait. :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

Years ago I dated a fish that would watch sparkly things float past while I was trying to talk to him or get his attention. Grr

And as far as squirrels go, I like to hide the nut away and savor and protect it. I nest. I bask.

Kristina P. said...

I love your analogy!!

I won't even make an inappropriate comment about squirrels going after nuts.

Just SO said...

This is fabulous. And very true. But somehow when the right fish and the right squirrel find one another it all works out.

Cynthia said...

You are so right on! LOL!

I have to tell you, we (hubs and I) refer to him as the 'Slow-Swimming Tuna'. There is a whole story that goes with that but it refers to him being a little too naive in his late teens/early 20's and thus made a couple stupid decisions that to this day have him scratching his head. Luckily, he caught up with the rest of the school but he ALMOST didn't make it off the fishing line.

sara said...

Very good analogy. I do however think that the main reason fish and squirrels don't usually co-habitate has more to do with their species and less to do with their eating habits.

just saying...

I will however call my significant other a nut any day of the week. If the shoe fits...

Erin said...

This is very deep. I bow to your wisdom.

I almost clicked "publish" and then realized I wrote "wisom" instead of "wisdom." Clearly I bow to your wisdom, since I seem to be lacking a little bit myself.

Becky said...

Uh, oh. I hope this wasn't a result of a bad experience with a fish.

The thing is, the right fish and the right squirrel at the right time can be a beautiful thing. But until then, it's hard not to want to beat all fish over the head. Sometimes even after...

Emily said...

I sense a best-seller in the works ;)

I love the Sword in the Stone photo!

melissabastow said...

Now it all makes sense. Fish are so slimy.

Smart Helm said...

That was great. I like squirrels much more than fish. How long has this theory been in the making?

CB said...

Wow! That was really deep - I like it and I agree with it :-D

Boy Mom said...

Adorable Hubbys biggest fear in life is being a fish??? I'll let him know it was inevitable.

Heidi said...


Beeswax said...

Seemed like there was always some tramp of a squirrel goin after my nuts. I don't miss that.

Becky Dayton said...

Barb you are so hilarious. I saw the picture first and I knew it was going to be a GREAT post! How are you so brilliant?

Connie said...

Fish live in the water and eat pond scum. Squirrels live in the trees and eat nuts! No wonder they can't coexist!

I'd be interested to know what brought on this post!
I hope you know that you're awesome!

wendy said...

cute post
fish are slimy---just like some guys

squirrels are cuddly and quick, smart, sensible, industrious...you get the picture

val of the south said...

You've definitely given this a lot of thought...I'd love to know the back story to this one!!

Great analogy!

Cranberryfries said...

Put the best I've ever heard. :)

Elisa said...

Look! There's a squirrel!