I think authors must be overweight and unattractive people. I mean, they always make their protagonists handsome/beautiful, funny, smart etc. people, right? So I figure they must be writing about the version of themselves they wish they were. That's what I'd do if I wrote, anyway.
And another thing. Their characters never seem to
know how awesome they are. Cuz humility is cool, right? But do you really believe that anyone is that unaware of their attributes? I don't. Believe me, if I were beautiful, charming and witty---I'd know it. And I'd probly make sure other people knew it as well. Most conversations would begin with me saying, "You have two eyes so I'm sure you're well aware that I'm beautiful, but I feel you should also know that I'm witty and charming."
Also, these people always LOVE to exercise like madmen. I don't know how many times I've read about some guy or girl who works out till the pain in their muscles nearly keeps them from functioning...and then we find out they like it?! Yeah, right. The only reason I like to work out is cuz when I'm finished I know that I have a whole other day before I put myself through that torture again.
Speaking of which, my chosen method of torture these days is Pilates which is, frankly, hard as a beast. I'm convinced it's really only meant for small children and Gumbi. Whatever. I've strayed from my point which is that I'm beautiful and charming. Wait-that wasn't it.
Oh yeah, it's that authors are posers.