Random things.
The other day, my old roommate was telling me (on gmail chat)how she did her hair

for Crazy Hair Day at school. She said she dyed it lots of colors and put ponies in her hair. And I'm thinking,
ponies? How did she put ponies in her hair? So I asked, and she just said she put them on top.
What? I was picturing maybe some pony clips, or that she twisted it weird... so I drew a picture of that on the computer. (Some people go to work or take care of their families...I draw computer pictures.)
Then she sent me a picture. Pony TAILS. Got it. Makes more sense, no?
Alyson, who takes awesomely awesome pictures, wanted to see a picture of my 'I Love Primary' pillow-case. So this picture is for her. It's not the best picture, but you get the idea. Right? I've had the thing since I was a small child and love it. That's me with my cool cousin, Becky. She's cool cuz she has the same pillow-case. And for other reasons. (And also, if you've ever seen
On Our Own, you may recognize the house. Totally "Uncle Jack's" house.)

One of my friends used to make fun of me for this pillow-case...but I think it was cuz he was jealous. So I made him one cuz that's how awesome I am.
One of my brothers told me some people might think I'm a hard-core environmentalist cuz of my blog name. But really, it's just one of the 87 nicknames I've been saddled

with in life. My nephew heard his dad call me that and now that's what he always calls me. And I love it. And also, when you ask him who his favorite aunt is, he says "Barbaloot Suit," so clearly he loves me, too. I think it's cuz I invented The Hunchback Chasing The Chicken game. *Also, if you're my sister-in-law and the mother of said nephew and you don't want his picture on my blog---tell me, and it'll come off.*
Speaking of brothers; yes, to all you doubters. I really do have 11 older brothers. And zero sisters. Here is a picture from the wedding of the last single one. (I'm the one in the skirt with the long hair.) Which means, unfortunately
Rychelle, that none are available. My parents have a large wall with a picture of each boy and his pretty

bride on their wedding day. It's glaringly off-balance as there is clearly an empty spot where the 12th picture is meant to be placed. I get it. Why don't you just put a neon sign there that says "Get movin!" And in answer to your question,
T, no. No prospects right now. But
Sue Q---you said in the comments that you were making my wedding dress and where I come from that's legally binding so don't try and back out cuz I will hold you to it.
This was supposed to be a short post...but it ended up kinda long-ish. Sorry.
that pillow case is the coolest thing i've ever seen.
i mean that it is silly, silly, silly.
(you should make me one now)
and, i'm so bummed about your brothers. they are all cutie pies, and we could have been sisters in law!
(any chance any of their marriages are on the rocks?!?)
i love your 'pony' picture! and, if you'd like me to send you your likeness in a one-of-a-kind-rychelle-original, e-mail me your address. one day that drawing is going to be PRICELESS!
My goodness Alyson takes nice pictures! You weren't kidding. (Thought I'd post it here instead of creeping her out on her own blog)
And I like that your picture of Just Jessie isn't on plain-old white computer background. You really spent some time on that thing.
And now I don't feel so pressed: 11 filled frames make a much bigger arrow than do the two at my mom's house. Now I can say, "Well Barb's not married either!" I appreciate it :)
I really enjoy your family's story of 11 boys then the last girl. I think about how far would I go for a girl. Or better yet how long would my husband allow me to go with children until he said no more.
11 brothers?! I see it, but I still don't believe it.
I didn't realize your blog name had any sort of environmental connotation! I thought it was just a cute name.
I'm with Kristina P. Awesome..I love your name even more!
What great pictures!
Thanks for stopping by my site! I love your comments!
Barbaloot..or can I call you Barbie for short? I love the Primary pillowcases. I'm so jealous! They should make a I love Relief Society pillowcase and then draw a picture of each woman of our ward in the RS, and then I could dream of them while I sleep! You are so cute...are you looking for love? if you are I'll see if there are any eligible young men in the N. Ogden/Farr West area.
Girlfriend, that is the most amazing picture I've ever seen. Look at the size of your mother. ELEVEN SONS, for crying out loud. And one knock-out, drop dead, gorgeous girl to boot. Lucky, lucky girl. (And so's your mom!)
I've already started sketches on the D.O.Y.D. (Dress Of Your Dreams), but I sure could use your input. I understand the the M.O.Y.D. (Man...etc.) is M.I.A. (Missing In Action), but as soon as you F.I.N.D. (welll...Find, Identify & Nail Down) the Lucky Boy, consider your dress taken care of.
And no, I'm not kidding. Especially since Cordy doesn't look like she's going to be needing a dress any time soon...
Hooray for Sue making my dress! I'd give you input...but right now all I know is that I think I want it white:) When I get closer we'll start figuring it all out:)
Machen fam--you can make an enrichment night where you make the pillowcases.
I know what you mean - walls look funny when a "spot" is saved for you. My mom has a wall of all the grandkids - with a big empty spot....uh....okay! That is a great pic of you and the boys though!
Hubby is 2nd of 11... and the pressure to that last single boy was awful (but he's now married with his 3rd babe on the way so the wall is full!) Pressure might be a factor in MAKING diamonds, but it's really not helpful to the getting of a diamond on a finger - just laugh it off... but keep the good date!
Yeah, could you please take that picture of my child off your blog. sheesh, can't you atleast ask permission first, oh, right, just kidding. Like i care, what do you think I am? MEAN? well, only on occasion. Love the post. Cute and fun stuff as usual.
11 brothers? Incredible. I guess your parents REALLY wanted a girl eh?
Yay! Thanks for taking a picture of the pillowcase. I love it and wish I had one.
I love how you got your nickname. Nephews and nieces are good for that kind of stuff.
12 kids? Ouch!
Hey, I recognize one of those guys ;-)
By long-board do you mean skateboarding (as opposed to surfing)? Your brother always rode his around the neighborhood here :D It always cracked me up!
No worries, Barb. I've got your back when people are skeptical of the 11 brother gig. I'll just tell them I've met every single one!
And don't worry. Even when you do get married, maybe your mom won't put your picture up on the wall of fame because she'll say that "if I put you up then I'll have 7 pics and it will look off balance!" so, nearly 2 years later, your bridal won't be framed. take your pick! :)
Oh-I definitely mean longboard/skateboard. I'm afraid of anything that involves me being in the ocean.
My in-laws are always asking if I'd "like a toast". A toast? To what? My health? My blog? They are, of course, referring to a PIECE of toast. Unfortunately my children are picking this up, despite my desperate attempts at proper english.
And don't tell anyone you date about your brothers. Not until they've invested in a big sparkly rock.
So, I was watching Cash Cab the other day - and usually I never know any 100$ questions - BUT....
"In what children's book is a species 'barbaloot' metioned?' --- AHH THE LORAX I yelled! THE LORAX!!!
The said some weird book I had never hear of - and got their third strike. Thanks to you, if I had been in the Cash Cab..I would have gotten a little further!!
Wow I really love that pictures with you and your family. It is so fun to see you and your mom surrounded by all those boys!
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