Thursday, February 18, 2010

Something New

So, I have this sister-in-law (actually, I have 11 sisters-in-law) but the one I'm talking about now just started a blog.

She's one of those people that's super, amazingly creative. She always looks amazing and I'm pretty sure it's not right to be as gorgeous and talented as she is. She's one of those people that can pull off wearing a whole bunch of bracelets at once, and big rings on her fingers and it doesn't look pretentious or silly-it's looks awesome. She makes jewelry and it's amazing. I don't wear a lot of jewelry, I don't like feeling things all over my fingers, wrists and neck---but every once in awhile I'll be brave and wear something and more often than not it's something that she created.

She's known me for longer than I can remember. When I was 8 and got my ears pierced she gave me a pair of little silver hoops. She probly regrets doing that now---cuz I only ever wear little silver hoops now. Never take them out. I'm sure she thinks I should branch out.

Anyway, what I'm saying is, she's beautiful and brilliant and she has a fun blog now that you should check out if you want ideas on how to also be beautiful and brilliant.


Camille said...

I wish I could pull off wearing lots of jewelry, she has some really nice stuff!

Emily said...

Ooo, is she the one who made the silver rings you got for us some years back? I LOVE them! I will totally check out her blog.

Erin said...

I definitely need ideas on how to be beautiful and brilliant. I need help in both of those arenas.

TisforTonya said...

I always want to be that girl who looks stunningly "put together" with her jewelry and hair and nails... and I end up being that girl who looks "like her young girls dressed her up for a tea party and she forgot to change before leaving the house"

April said...

I have just learned to embrace jewelry and not feel silly wearing it. I will go check out her blog!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I'll go take a look. Hope you are well.

Debbie said...

You know I'm always up for meeting someone new!

The Crash Test Dummy said...

Hi Barb,

How cute you blog looks. Lubbing the makeover. And how did you get the cute fonts. Do tell, darling.

I'm a silver hoops kind of girl too, btw.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Well, since i am currently wearing 2 necklaces, 4 earrings, 6 braclets and 3 rings...i'd best check her out, huh!?

wendy said...

Well, I could definetly use ideas on how to be beautiful and brilliant!!!

I hardly ever wear jewelry now.....cause I hardly ever go anywhere. It's best when working around horses to NOT wear things that could get hooked up in ropes etc. I could loose a finger.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

She does have a great blog! Maybe I could hire her to teach me how to wear jewelry too. :)

Connie said...

Some people have a flair. I hope it's contagious! I'll check out her blog. BTW, which TV have you been watching the Olympics on?

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Cute stuff!
I'm a silver hoops person too, but small ones. I'm not much of a jewelry wearer.......I'm more of the frumpy type.
I guess I'd better get over there.

If... said...

Hey Barb, I have to admit I have read this over and over and I cant get enough! It is the sweetest thing to know you think these things of me even if I don't deserve it!!!!! And since we are family- I love you!!!!!