Sunday, February 7, 2010


Thanks everyone for being upset with/for me. It helps to have that when I'm wondering if I'm over-reacting. The good things is-things are fixed. I think.

I never did end up sleeping Friday night---and I even went on a anger fueled six mile run that day. You know, the kind you always read about? I didn't think they actually existed. Anyway, my roommate was gone when I got home from that, and I was leaving for the day, so I took the chicken way out and wrote a note. But I think it was a good thing cuz I was able to explain how I felt and why---something I probly wouldn't have been able to do in person. We talked yesterday and she said that she'll change things back to the way they were Monday. My mama thinks this is just a sign of things to come. I disagree. I choose to believe everything is fixed. On Monday my TV will be back where it belongs, hers will be stored somewhere (I told her I don't want it just hanging out in the family room) and all will be well.

And I still haven't changed my mind about Dear John. Awful movie.


Kristina P. said...

I hope that this was a one time fluke.

And I have no doubt about Dear John.

Liz Mays said...

I'm taking your advice and not watching Dear John!!!!

Liz Mays said...

And I'm glad things are better!

Camille said...

I got the message, I won't see that movie!!
Anyways I'm glad you were able to straighten things out with her. Hopefully her dad won't buy her anything more.

April said...

I have an idea your mama is a wise woman. I hope she is wrong.

Rachel Sue said...

I'm kind of late in the game on this one. . .

So, um, yeah, passive aggressive does do her justice. I'm so sorry. Roommate issues are the worst. The only bright side is that if your mom is right (heaven forbid) you absolutely have the authority to boot her right out.

Good Luck.

Homer and Queen said...

Good for you! Hope things work out.

wendy said...

I read the book Dear John. Um, not that great. movie will be a rental only. but hey, I loved THE NOTEBOOK.

I can't believe your room-mate did that. Seriously?? Idiot?? This IS YOUR HOUSE btw.

watch this girl, I am glad you are optomitic and all, and nothing wrong with that
but WATCH out for her nonsense.


Just SO said...

I hope that your tv and movies will be back to where you want them on Monday! Good luck!

Maybe your note will end up on That would be cool too :) And I say this because that's totally the way I would have taken as well because I don't do confrontation either...

Emma said...

Hey did you put your message in a bottle? hahahaha

I liked the movie! But I didn't expect that much.

I hope you continue to get your way!

Sara Waldron said...

I'm a little behind, but wow, I'd be frustrated if someone did that in my house! I'm glad it looks like things will work out ok.
I had no desire to see Dear John, but now I know its not even worth Red Box...thanks!
P.S. I'm impressed you ran six miles, even it is was on anger energy.
P.P.S. Fun to see you last night, even if you did shoot me. :)

Connie said...

I've talked to 4 people who have seen Dear John. All are in agreement with you.
A 6 mile run...I usually polish off a bag of Oreo cookies when I'm upset!
Hope it all works out for you.

Boy Mom said...

I bet she even included chocolate just to smooth things out.

Hope I'm right seeing how it's Tuesday!

I've missed you!

Mayhem and Moxie said...

Just seeing this post now, Barb. Glad to read that things are working themselves out. I think you get to a certain age when having roommates is challenging...probably something about wanting things a certain way. :)

I am glad that you stood your ground. It will make all the difference going forward in your living together.